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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi

National Support Services - Iceland




    Rannís – Icelandic Centre for Research, is organised into three content and target-based divisions: one dealing with national research and innovation funding; a small division dealing with international research and innovation funding, in particular Iceland’s participation in Horizon 2020; and the largest is the Division for Education and Culture that will manage the EPALE NSS.
    The Division of Education and Culture, where the National Agency (NA) is located, is responsible for coordinating international cooperation and national funding programmes for education and culture. The strategic objectives of the division is to facilitate cooperation and dialogue between those working in different educational sectors and stakeholders, both in Iceland and in the European context, to advance educational objectives and ensure that education will continue to contribute to growth and employment in European countries. A particular focus is on European and Nordic cooperation where the objective is to increase diversity, convolution and innovation in Icelandic society, in particular in education and culture.

    Rannís rekur Landskrifstofu mennta- og íþróttahluta Erasmus+ áætlunarinnar og hefur umsjón með Horizon 2020 rannsókna- og nýsköpunaráætlun ESB á Íslandi. Rannís hefur umsjón með helstu samkeppnissjóðum á sviði rannsókna og nýsköpunar, menntunar og menningar á Íslandi, auk samstarfsáætlana ESB sem veita styrki til samstarfsverkefna, náms og þjálfunar.



    IS Communication Chart.


      Main objectives of IS EPALE NSS Communication Strategy
      The IS NSS communication strategy aims at promoting the new adult education platform EPALE to relevant adult education target audiences in Iceland to ensure future successful implementation of EPALE in the country. The strategy more specifically sets out ways to promote the general objectives EPALE, visualise the opportunities it offers to the diversified adult education target audience, and means to disseminate best practices and adult education content.

      EPALE Target Audiences
      At the outset, the NSS will focus attention on reaching the National adult education associations and institutions listed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture under its list of institutions (

      • Lifelong Learning Centres across Iceland and adult education teachers
      • Higher Education Institutions providing adult education courses  and involved in training adult education teachers (University of Iceland)
      • The Icelandic Association for Local Authorities and Regions (Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga) – an umbrella organisation for all municipalities in Iceland,  local public authorities and municipalities which are responsible for adult education in Iceland.
      • The Association of Adult Education Providers in Iceland (LEIKN) - is important in fostering awareness among the adult education target audience, addressing policy priorities related to improving basic reading skills of adults and facilitating sustainability of project results.
      • Association of guidance counsellors in Iceland (Félag náms og starfsráðgjafa)
      • Enterprises, particularly staff involved in training of staff and in creating deeper links between education, learning outcomes and the needs of the labour market for skills.
      • Social partners – social partners in Iceland are very actively participating in planning and funding arrangement of adult education. These are represented by umbrella associations, such as The Confederation of Icelandic Employers, The Confederation of Icelandic Industriesand the Confederation of Trade Unions in Iceland. All three are very important for disseminating opportunities provided by EPALE to its´ stakeholders , as active participants of EPALE, as multipliers in sharing AE content and in advancing policy priorities.

      Main milestones and indicators
      Registrations on the EPALE platform is a key indicator—it is difficult to set parameters (but see short and long term impact below).

      • Most items listed under activities above will be carried out, most notably: a launch event; printed and online information flyer; webinar; participation in local, regional and National Adult Education events; Liaison with the “Europa network”, the Nordic Network for Adult Learning, Nordplus Adult and Erasmus+ Adult Education, and expert consultation group; participation in EPALE discussion groups.

      Short and long term impact

      • At the end of the Work Programme the EPALE target audiences will be familiar with the EPALE platform and the opportunities most relevant to them and their organisations.
      • In the short-term (at the end of the Work Programme period) at least half of the above mentioned institutions and associations will participate in EPALE; in the long term, in future Work Programme periods, the majority of them will participate in EPALE.
      • Epale er vefgátt á 24 tungumálum með fréttaveitu, bloggi og gagnasafni
      • Epale er stuðningur við fullorðinsfræðsluaðila
      • Epale er vettvangur til að deila sérþekkingu og læra hvert af öðru
      • Epale gefur kost á að finna samstarfsaðila, námskeið og áhugaverða viðburði
      • Epale veitir mjög fjölþættar upplýsingar um fullorðinsfræðslu, nýjar rannsóknir, stefnumótun o.fl.
      • Epale er auðvelt í notkun fyrir alla fullorðinsfræðsluaðila
      • EPALE er kynnt á samfélagsmiðlum, s.s. með Facebook síðunni EPALE Ísland og á Twitter @EPALE_IS
      • Kynningarkort með upplýsingum um EPALE og leiðbeiningar um notkun vefgáttarinnar
      • Vefnámskeið um hvernig hægt er að nýta EPALE
      • Kynningarviðburðir
      • Þátttaka í viðburðum á vegum fullorðinsfræðslu
      • Rafrænt fréttabréf EPALE kemur út mánaðarlega
      • Samstarf við norrænt tengslanet fullorðinsfræðslu (NVL) og við fullorðinsfræðsluhluta Nordplus styrkjaáætlunar

      The EPALE team

      Margrét K. Sverrisdóttir
      EPALE coordinator for EPALE and senior expert, responsible for the Adult Education field within Erasmus+
      Verkefnisstjóri EPALE, sérfræðingur hjá Rannís. Hefur einnig umsjón með fullorðinsfræðsluhluta Erasmus+ menntaáætlunarinnar á Íslandi.

      Dóra Stefánsdóttir
      Senior Expert at Rannis  
      Euroguidance and EAAL
      Sérfræðingur hjá Rannís   Euroguidance and EAAL

      Ágúst H. Ingthórsson
      Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+ and Head of Department of Education and Culture
      Forstöðumaður Landskrifstofu Erasmus+ og deildarstjóri menntasviðs Rannís

      Other members of the IS EPALE team work on different tasks, e.g. communication team.


      Please contact EPALE in Icecland for information regarding ambassadors.

      +354 5155800