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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi

National Support Services - France



    Erasmus+ Adult Education and Training

    Erasmus+ France / Education & Training has been designated by the French national authorities to ensure the implementation and running of EPALE France. In the same way, it manages several programmes and community plans in the areas of education and training.

    It also implements: Europass, the European Agenda for the Education and Training of Adults (EAAL), the European Language Label, and ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training). It also provides an informative role in the Euroguidance network.

    All these tools and plans are covered in the context of Europe 2020, which aims to create intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth. The education and training of adults helps to promote employability, and the acquisition of skills by everyone. Priority is given to the most poorly qualified adults, and those most remote from the jobs market

    The Agency's roles

    Project management
    The Agency assigns and controls European funding a posteriori in the context of the Erasmus+ / Education & Training programme. It advises project leaders, and ensures the qualitative monitoring and financial administration of selected projects.

    Supplier of information and impetus
    The Agency ensures the effective promotion of programmes, and their results, to the general public, professionals, the media and decision makers.

    Throughout the year, it organises information days and workshops to raise awareness of European programmes and plans, the contexts in which they operate and the benefits they create.

    It also participates in many of the activities initiated by organisations or institutions working in education and vocational training.

    A rôle of strategic reflection 
    The Agency participates actively in discussions on sectoral, national and international issues in the fields of education, higher education and vocational training. It therefore organises seminars and conferences, co-ordinates studies and working parties, and participates in raising the awareness of political decision-makers.

    EPALE and AEFA

    The EPALE plan is integrated into the general AEFA framework (European Agenda for Education and Training of Adults).

    This Agenda, adopted in 2011, fixes five strategic orientations for Member states:

    • improvement of the quality and efficiency of the educational offer and training for adults;
    • improvement of the participation of the most poorly qualified adults in training courses;
    • promotion of fair-mindedness, social cohesion and active citizenship;
    • development of adults' creativity and their learning environment;
    • improvement of knowledge in the sector of adult education and training.

    To attain these goals, it seemed essential to imagine concrete tools which could be deployed throughout Europe. The EPALE platform, created in 2014, was the appropriate answer.  It was officially launched in April 2015 in Brussels, then in several European countries (Member States and candidate countries).

    In France, the national launch took place in November 2015 in the course of a conference entitled 'European collaboration in adult education and  training' (Focus Centre Inffo de l'évènement).

    The European Commission and the DGEFP (General Delegation for Employment and Professional Education) are the joint funders of EPALE France. 

    Aims and activities of EPALE France

    EPALE objective is to promote exchanges between the different stakeholders in adult education and training, whether they be institutional, political, training or academic players, journalists, project sponsors ...

    EPALE users can look for the way in which their own professional challenge was dealt with in other countries, or can discuss the problem within a blog or forum.  Common activities can arise from these exchanges, in particular through European projects. 

     To meet this objective, EPALE France's national help service leads several activities:

    • publishing current and documented texts
    • promoting multilingualism by translating numerous texts into English and French
    • working in depth on the platform's five themes
    • benefitting from the experts' network to guarantee quality publications
    • promoting the platform to increase its number of active users of the platform and diversify their profiles
    • encouraging exchanges between professionals: comments, on-line discussions, practising communities …
    • enhancing the platform's features for the display of European projects
    • ensuring regular exchanges with Erasmus+ and AEFA
    • suggesting tools and training to users, to optimise their browsing on EPALE
    • working in conjunction with other European teams

    EPALE: a place for virtual exchanges, and much more


    Themed meetings

    Since the start of the 2016 academic year, EPALE France has organised themed meetings where players involved in the training of adults can come together for discussion and debate.   These events follow a participative format (barcamps, workshops for small groups).  Practice communities, created on the platform, allow these exchanges to be followed.

    Past meetings: 

    16 September 2016 in Paris - Les bonnes pratiques du dispositif CléA : soutien aux apprenants et compétences clefs

    10 October 2016 in Strasbourg - Workshop Intégration sociale et éducative des réfugiés en Europe as part of the Erasmus+ France / Education Training annual conference 

    9 November 2016 in Bordeaux - Qualité de la formation et innovation pédagogique 

    26 April 2017 in Paris: Digital learning and e-learning ; Impact on Life Long Learning

    Future meetings:

    5 July in Paris : Providing tools for adult learning stakeholders. A European challenge (in collaboration with EAAL)


    Network of ambassadors

    Students of four Master's degrees in the engineering of adult training were invited to become the platform's ambassadors The publication of content and organisation of events, are just some of the ways of promoting their experience of the sector via EPALE. The Master's degrees concerned are the following:


    Close collaboration with EAAL's national coordinators

    EPALE France and EAAL's national coordinators maintain close links: EPALE’s integration committee therefore has links with the EAAL steering committee. The achievements of EAAL's working groups are regularly promoted on the platform, in French and in English. 

    These collaborations give rise to the organisation of common events, aimed at professionals in adult education and training:

    5 July in Paris : Providing tools for adult learning stakeholders. A European challenge

    In September, 2018 - joint French-speaking AEFA - EAAL - EPALE day (date and place to be arranged).



    Aims and activities of EPALE France

    EPALE’s objective is to promote exchanges between the various stakeholders in adult education and training, whether they be institutional, political, training or academic players, journalists, project leaders, etc.

    EPALE users can investigate how their own professional challenges have been met in other countries or discuss their issues in a blog or forum. Common activities may arise from these exchanges, in particular through European projects. 

    To meet this objective, EPALE France's national help service performs several activities:

    • Publishing current and documented content
    • Promoting multilingualism by translating a large amount of content into English and French
    • Working in depth on the platform’s five themes
    • Benefiting from a network of experts to ensure high quality publications
    • Promoting the platform to increase the number of active users of the platform and the diversity of their profiles
    • Encouraging exchanges between professionals: comments, on-line discussions, practice communities, etc.
    • Enhancing the platform's features for the development of European projects
    • Ensuring regular exchanges with the Erasmus+ Agency and EAAL
    • Suggesting tools and training to users, to optimise their browsing on EPALE
    • Working with other European teams


    A team of experts:

    EPALE has surrounded itself with a team of experts, who contribute to the quality of the platform's content. They also participate in its promotion and in the organising of events.


    First name






     Administrative and financial manager

    Dupuy de Lôme Research Institute

    European project policies and funding



    Senior Lecturer

    University of Rouen

    Quality of training - Professional development of staff



    HR Training & Development Consultant

    Capital and Training




    Head of International Sector

    Ligue de l'enseignement

    Education Populaire




    André Chauvet Conseil

    Career Transitions



    Themed meetings

    Since the start of the 2016 academic year, EPALE France has organised themed meetings where players involved in the training of adults can come together for discussion and debate. These events follow a participative format (barcamps, workshops for small groups). Practice communities, created on the platform, allow these exchanges to be followed.

    Past meetings: 

    September 2016 in Paris - "Good practice in the CléA service: support for learners and key competences”

    October 2016 in Strasbourg - Workshop “Social and educational integration of refugees in Europe” as part of the Erasmus + France/Education Training annual conference 

    November 2016 in Bordeaux - "Training quality and pedagogical innovation" 

    April 2017 in Paris: Impact of digital technology on lifelong learning

    September 2017 in Paris: Quality of training

    November 2017 in Paris:  Territories and training

    April 2018 in Paris: Cultural action: which pedagogical approaches for adult education?

    July 2018 in Paris: Guidance in adult education and training

    May 2019 in Paris: Learning and training on the job

    October 2019 in Paris: Third spaces for learning 

    Future meetings: 

    30 April, 2020: Raising Adult Awareness of Environmental Issues (working title not finalised - work in progress)


    Organization of webinars: 

    First EPALE France webinar "Submitting an Erasmus+ project for adult education"

    January 28, 2020: “What is the role of digital technology in training and the conditions for its use? - register


    Network of Ambassadors

    The students of three Master’s degrees in engineering of adult training were invited to become the platform’s ambassadors. Publishing content and hosting events are just some of the ways of promoting their experience of the sector via EPALE. The Master’s degrees concerned are the following:

    SIFA Master’s (Strategy in Adult Training Engineering), University of Tours

    IPFA Master’s (Pedagogical Engineering in Adult Training), University of Paris X Nanterre

    - Master’s Executive Master’s in Training ManagementUniversity of Paris-Dauphine

    Other Master’s degrees established in other countries but offering similar contents and pedagogical objectives have joined the network: in Germany and soon in Italy (more information to follow).


    Close collaboration with EAAL’s national coordinators

    EPALE France and EAAL’s national coordinators maintain close links. EPALE’s steering committee therefore has links with the EAAL steering committee. The achievements of EAAL’s working groups are regularly promoted on the platform, in French and in English. 

    These collaborations give rise to the organisation of common events, aimed at professionals in adult education and training:

    July 2017 in Paris: Providing tools for adult learning stakeholders. A European challenge

    October 2018 in Brussels: “What role can adult learning play in social inclusion?”. This trinational conference was organised with the Belgian, Luxembourg and French EPALE and EAAL teams, positioned within the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


    Camille Poiraud, Development Officer

    Camille manages the general coordination of EPALE France and the link with the EU and the Agency. She works with all the key players and interlocutors of EAAL, in France and in Europe. Another work in progress is the creation of a network of ambassadors (Master’s in Engineering of Adult Education). Her missions also include translation (from French to English and vice versa) to enhance the value of content published by French professionals, but also to publicise initiatives carried out throughout Europe.

    xxx, Development Officer

    xx is responsible for the quality of the platform's content and its running. She works directly with professionals and stakeholders in the sector to identify needs in adult education and training. She promotes discussion between professionals (via practice communities or online discussions). She manages the work carried out on priority themes, in direct contact with a team of thematic coordinators. 


    Johanna Despouys, Communications Officer

    Johanna is in charge of promoting EPALE France through numerous communication media (newsletters, flyers, postcards, videos, etc.). She is available to professionals to provide them with a "communication kit" (with promotional items) allowing them to make EPALE better known. She contributes to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, using the Agency's overall communication strategy on adult learning.

    Administrative and financial management:

    Sylvie Billot, Financial Manager and Accountant

    Joselyne performs regular monitoring of the overall NSS budget, in conjunction with the Agency's Finance and Accounting Department. This work brings the French and European accounting systems closer together. She prepares the accounting documents for the General Assemblies, final reports, etc.

    Magali Verhaghe, Administrative and Financial Assistant

    Magali carries out administrative and financial monitoring for EPALE and prepares the financial reports for Europe and the co-financer. She also manages follow-up of missions and trips, contracts with the team of experts and event logistics.

    Do not hesitate to contact us:

    Camille Poiraud is responsible for the day to day management and coordination of the work of the EPALE France NSS. She also ensures synergies with the work of Erasmus+, the National Coordinator for the Agenda for Adult Learning and other key stakeholders and multipliers.

    xxx is the Resources Manager. She is responsible for identifying and collecting high quality materials. She will be working directly with adult learning professionals and stakeholders in order to understand their needs identify content and promote EPALE as ambassadors.

    Johanna Despouys is the communication Manager. She will be managing a range of targeted marketing activities to raise awareness and promote EPALE France.

    Sylvie Billot is our accounting manager for EPALE France and Magalie Verhaeghe is our administrative manager – They will be in relation with our partners and experts for EPALE France.

    You can contact any member of the team using our helpline:

    Phone: +33 5 56 00 94 28


    Les acteurs clés en France - France National stakeholders


    Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive et se doit d’être alimentée, elle a cependant le mérite de donner un état des lieux des acteurs présents et actifs en France dans le champ de l’éducation et de la formation des adultes.

    This list is in not exhaustive and needs to be continued. Nevertheless it may give you a broad overview of the adult learning sector in France.


    Réseaux et organisations nationales clé en éducation des adultes

    Key adult education organisations & networks


    Les décideurs / Policy makers:

    • Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche

    • DGEFP Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Santé,149/presentation-du-ministere,294/conjointement-avec-le-ministre-de,742/la-delegation-generale-a-l-emploi,12662.html

    • Ministère de la culture et de la communication

    • Ministère de l’agriculture

    • Secrétariat Général de l'Enseignement Catholique


    Organisations officielles officiant dans le champ de l’éducation des adultes / General “official” organisations with a focus on adult education

    • Conférence des directeurs de la formation continue des universités

    • Ministère de l’éducation nationale : délégations académiques à la formation continue


    • CNED (Centre national d’éducation à distance) :


    • INJEP

    • Missions locales


    • Fédération des centres sociaux


    • Conservatoire national des arts et métiers


    • Conseil national de la fonction publique territoriale


    • Centre INFFO – Information on Lifelong vocational training in France

    • CIEP – Centre International d’études pédagogiques

    • Pôle emploi

    • Agence Nationale de lutte contre l’illettrisme (ANLCI) (National Agency and a regional network)

    • Agefish -professional integration for handicap persons in private companies

    • Fédération de la formation professionnelle


    Autres associations et réseaux nationaux

    Other national associations and networks


    COFAC (network of associations and networks)


    Association des universités populaires de France

    Union Française de l’université de tous âges

    Université populaire des parents (UPP-ACEPP)

    Fédération des familles rurales

    Recit (réseau des écoles de citoyens)

    Association pour la promotion du label APP

    GREP (research)

    Centre d’information sur les droits des femmes et familles

    Association pour l’enseignement et la formation des travailleurs immigrés

    Peuple et culture

    Ligue de l’enseignement

    Centres Entraînement aux méthodes d’éducation active  (CEMEA)


    Le Groupe Français d'Education Nouvelle



    Organisations Régionales /Regional organisations

    CRI – Centre Ressources Illettrisme (in the ANLCI network)




    Fondations, instituts de recherches et universités/HE institutions, research institutes and key stakeholders


    National/ National:

    Fondation des régions européennes pour la recherche, l’éducation et la formation

    Conférence des directeurs de la formation continue des universités

    L’Institut national de recherche pédagogique

    Céreq - Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications

    Gehfa – Study Group for the History of Adult Education and Training

    GREP (research)




    l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale – Dept for Continuing Education

     Le CUEEP - Institut de l’Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Département Sciences de l’Education et formation d’adultes

     Collège Coopératif en Bretagne






    +33 5 56 00 94 28