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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi


4th Meeting of the NSS Team EPALE Bosnia and Herzegovina and National EPALE Ambassadors in the Project Cycle EPALE 2022-24

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Daria Mršić

The fourth mandatory meeting of the National Support Service (NSS) EPALE and national EPALE ambassadors in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 in Banja Luka.

The meeting was opened by the deputy director of the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education and the head of Banja Luka department, Mrs. Milana Popržen, which was followed by a presentation of the ambassadors' working results for the first half of the year. EPALE national ambassadors presented the results and feedback that followed the promotional activities which were held with adult education providers in B&H in quarter two of 2024.

In the continuation of the meeting, a brief presentation on new EPALE features and a redesigned look of the platform was given by the NSS team member, Mrs. Daria Mršić. After the discussion and elaboration of new ideas regarding promotional activities and national ambassadors’ better engagement in the coming period, important future events were presented.

In the second part of the meeting, a workshop was held in which the meeting participants worked on strategies development and creation of new ideas for motivating national EPALE users to participate actively in the current EPALE initiative Community Stories 2024. The workshop was moderated by the NSS team member, Mrs. Milana Sukara.

On this occasion, NSS team and national ambassadors have once again contributed to the creation of new solutions and responses to the challenges they are facing in their work, with the aim of better implementation of set activities for the EPALE 2022-2024 project cycle.

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