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EBU Scholarship Program in cooperation with the ERI SEE Secretariat

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Daria Mršić



European Business University from Luxembourg and ERI SEE (Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe) are presenting to you the Scholarship Program for on-line business courses (management, IT, women empowerment, English, finance...) dedicated to 100 nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Scholarship Program is supported by the Luxembourg Government.

This offer means that 100 Bosnian and Herzegovinians have the opportunity to follow high quality business courses at the prestigious European Business University. The courses have the market price value of 740 EUR but are, thanks to this Scholarship Programme, available for free, with one condition of paying a “commitment fee” of 20 EUR (via a credit card). The courses offer valuable knowledge and skills needed at the labour market and can greatly enhance career prospects and employability of their students.

The courses are provided in English, so the knowledge of English is essential. However, for those who need support with their English skills, an on-line programme in English is offered within this scheme as well.

The application procedure is very simple, it requires a few steps on the site, with clear application and enrolment steps described here (please consult the application steps as they offer you the code/coupon you need to be awarded the scholarship). The deadline for application is 13th May and the courses begin on 30th May until 4th September (13 weeks, 1 on-line webinar per week).

The courses included in the Scholarship Program include:

  • Strategic management I&II
  • Business management I&II
  • Introduction to python
  • Plutus/Haskell
  • Women in leadership
  • Beginners English (A1)
  • Fundamentals of blockchain technology I&II
  • Public Finance and taxation
  • Financial management
  • Financial reporting
  • CPA program (3 courses – 2 years total).

The main goal of this Scholarship program, which is, apart from the Bosnia and Hercegovina, also offered to other Western Balkans countries/economies, Africa, Asia and Latin America, is to provide world-class education and academic excellence to students who cannot afford this cost of education. The program is present in 110 countries and in the last two scholarship programs 10 000 students benefited from it!

Enroll now and boost your career!

For any questions, please contact:


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