Training programme for practitioners who support single parents, in the teaching of literacy, numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills

The scope of O1 was to develop and pilot a training curriculum for practitioners who support low skilled/low qualified (single) parents that aims at extending/enhancing the practitioners competences in the teaching of numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills (including through the use of digital technologies), so that they are able to provide tailored training and support to single parents in developing these skills and key competences, in order to foster their employability and socio-educational and personal development (which also enhance their social inclusion). The curriculum focuses on Project-Based Learning (PBL) training methodologies and practices for the development of the following key competences: 1. Communication Competence in the Mother Tongue 2. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 3. Digital competence 4. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship 5. Learning to learn 6. Social and civic competences English version is available.