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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi

Event Details

1 Feb

Understanding your target audience in your Horizon Europe proposals

Oddaljeni dogodek
Profile picture for user Europa Media Trainings.
Rita Balazs

You’re writing your proposal. In an ideal scenario, everyone is interested in your activities and in the great research and advancements you want to achieve in your field. But this is not necessarily the case.

To clearly define our target audience, we need to narrow down our focus to those groups who are likely to be interested in our project’s results. If this first analytical step is not done properly, we may miss an important target group, sector, or region.

At proposal stage, it’s important for you to understand what type of audience you may have and the needs of your target groups for successful project implementation.

Together we will:

  • go through some of our winning proposals
  • share some tips that helped us define our audiences at proposal stage
  • outline the connection between communication, dissemination, and exploitation in terms of different audiences
  • touch upon reporting and the audiences the EC expects you to reach  

Who is this webinar for?

If you are a communication manager and/or proposal writing who is starting in the world of EU-funded projects, this webinar is for you.

Why this webinar? 

We have 20 years of experience in developing and implementing projects under the EU's research framework programmes. Under Horizon 2020, we have been involved successfully in over 30 projects, coordinating six of them. This event, as always, has been designed based on our direct hands-on experience with EU research and innovation proposals and is therefore 100% practice-driven.  

Over the past 15 years, we have delivered 500+ events attended by 10,000+ participants. Europa Media’s events are favoured by the participants, especially for their practical aspects. Feedbacks from previous participants show that our events are equally useful for:   

 •    Project managers and coordinators;    
•    Research advisers, EU grant advisers;    
•    Researchers;   
•    Financial managers and accountants;    
•    Grant officers and research administrators;    
•    NCPs.     

Coming from:     

•    Public institutions;    
•    Universities and research institutions;    
•    SMEs and large companies;   
•    Civil society organisations.   

Who we are  

Europa Media is a unique company supporting public and private organisations to develop successful project proposals and effectively manage projects under the EU's research and innovation programmes since FP5. Over the past 20 years, our team has been directly involved in writing successful proposals and coordinating and managing projects under different EU programmes. Under Horizon 2020, we have been involved in over 30 projects as coordinators and partners. Our workshops and seminars are designed based on this direct experience we have from our own proposals and projects - we discuss and reflect on a lot of specific problems during these events. They are therefore quite hands-on with real-life examples and stories. This practical approach has attracted over 10,000 participants from all over the world in the past 15 years. 

Event Details
As planned
Online type
Vrsta organizatorja
Drug dogodek
Entrance fee
EUR 65
Plačilo za udeležbo

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