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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi




Within the scope of the Erasmus+ “PROFI-VNFIL - Ensure the professionalization and good functioning of VNFIL” project, the project partnership has been presenting and testing a tool for self-reflection/self-assessment of skills and competences and e-portfolio, aimed at supporting the development of validation of non-formal and informal learning processes (VNFIL).

In fact, one of the expected results of this project was a web tool that could serve the following purposes:

  • Serve as an initial screening tool so that VNFIL processes candidates could understand if they are ready for a full validation process or if they need to improve their skills and competences
  • Serve as a support tool to VNFIL, from the point of view of VNFIL professionals and candidates and a source of information and sharing within certain groups or in specific areas
  • Allow to collect electronic evidence of the candidate's education, training and work experience:
    • organized and managed by the candidate
    • in various formats: text, electronic files, image, multimedia files, links, etc.
    • dynamically updated by the candidate
    • transferable/accessible by others decided by the candidate.

Those purposes come together in an online tool for self-assessment of skills and competences and for the development of e-portfolios available in English and adapted to Portuguese, Greek, Italian and Lithuanian. It’s available HERE. Don’t hesitate to explore and test it!

In Portugal, between June and July 2021, in two presentation and sharing sessions, organized online, CECOA, the Portuguese partner of the project, in close collaboration with its QUALIFICA Center (QUALIFICA Centres in Portugal are the structures responsible for VNFIL processes, that in Portugal are called Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences processes - RVCC), presented this tool to 150 VNFIL professionals spread across the all country (Coordinators, Guidance, Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences Practitioners, Trainers).

The feedback received from those attending the events regarding the usefulness, functionality and potential use of this tool in RVCC processes in Portugal was excellent. The evaluation of the other products of the project presented and described below was also positive, with particular attention to the moments of reflection and synthesis around the identification of improvement proposals to be included in recommendations (national and European) aiming to contribute to improve the well-functioning and the quality of VNFIL processes and support providers and policy makers at regional, national, European level.

More Info:

Contributing to the professionalization and well-functioning of high-quality systems of VNFIL is the main objective of the Erasmus + project “PROFI-VNFIL - Ensure the professionalization and good functioning of VNFIL”, a project that brings together partners from Portugal, Lithuania, Greece and Italy. Portugal appears in this project as a reference in terms of VNFIL, with its RVCC system implemented since 2000 and CECOA also as a reference due to its knowledge and experience accumulated since 2001 as one of the pioneer RVCC centres in Portugal until today as a QUALICA Centre.


  • Compendium of existing innovative and effective VNFIL practices and tools
  • Training program for VNFIL professionals
  • Platform/E-portfolio/self-assessment tool to support VNFIL processes
  • National strategies and recommendations to support quality and efficient VNFIL systems and support providers and policy makers

For any question contact us.

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