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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe



Máte záujem o spoluprácu s kolegami z celej Európy, ale nemáte ešte konkrétny nápad?

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Dobrá rada: Uveďte čo najviac informácií o vašej organizácii a o type činností, do ktorých sa zapájate, a uľahčite tak vašim budúcim partnerom hľadanie.

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Pozrite si najnovšie informácie o tom, ako EÚ podporuje politiku vzdelávania dospelých

Smart Body & Mind was founded to create more awareness among people. More awareness also means more love and acceptance. Back to Being. Reflecting on who you are, where you are and creating your life path. Our mission : - Do not experience situations as setbacks, but...
Ayse Kalyon
With a history of more than 35 years, CINOP has been an expert in learning, training and development for decades. Together with our partners in the field of education, government and business. CINOP is an independent, (inter)national research, project management and consultanc...
Aniek Luyt
Gear Up merges cutting-edge technology with behavioural design to revolutionise learning and work environments. Our human-centred solutions promote lifelong learning and skill recognition.
Gerard Pruim
RNCC Vriendschap is a dutch fondation. Since 2002 connect people and actively organizes different meetings, round tables, educational, sport and cultural events, training, internship programs.
Marina Veenis
I.E.R. is an established project partner and coordinator over many years in a broad range of activities that are subject of the Programmes of the European Commision. I.E.R. is open for project suggestions, project partnerships and realising joint project proposals. See furthe...
Profile picture for user Herbert.
Stichting International Excellence Reserve
Lidi Smart Solutions was founded to promote the latest trends in the digital era, offering web-education for adults and youth in a number of fields. Among our core activities were developing and implementing online education platforms and e-learning tools. From there, we grew ...