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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Organisation Details

Institute of Public Health Kragujevac


The Institute is a specialized Health institution that explores the challenges which are a danger for health population in the community. 

In the focus of our activities and our work are people's health and factors like behavior, lifestyle, health care, conditions and enviroment factors, the causative agents of infectious diseases and program work on their prevention, social- economics and cultural characteristics. 

Since 2005,  the Institute has certified quality managment system according to SRPS ISO 9001 standard. 

We are an accredited institution by Accreditation Body of Serbia which issued a decision which the Institute of Public Health Kragujevac confirms more than 400 parametrs of sampling and testing water, waste water, food, dietery suplements, some objects for general use, air and measurement the noise with the requiriments of standard SRPS ISO 17025:2006. 

Organisation Details
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