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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe


The European Training Foundation launches New Learning Clubs!

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Lifelong Learning Platform

european training foundation

The European Training Foundation (ETF) is the agency of the EU tasked with the development of skills in transition and developing countries. Within its Community of Innovative Educators, ETF just launched New Learning Clubs!

What about them?

The New Learning Clubs are informal groups of teachers, educators, and experts on topics linked to innovation in learning. Experts who join the clubs will contribute to the community by sharing their expertise, good practices and ultimately get the chance to learn from each other’ experiences. At the end of their mandate, clubs will hold a webinar to present a joint output (an innovative curriculum, a video, a report, guidelines, toolkits, blog posts, etc.).

What are these clubs about?

Two New Learning Clubs are about to open! 

  • New Learning Club on “Innovative STEAM education”, as of April 2024 - Participants will bring their ideas and discuss about topics as stimulating the students' curiosity and enthusiasm in scientific and technological subjects, developing the ability to apply creativity and critical thinking in young people, and improving young people's access to high-quality STEAM education.
  • New Learning Club on "Teaching with Artificial Intelligence", as of June 2024 - This Club will focus on the adoption of AI solutions by educators and teachers, to try answering some of the hot questions that require attention. Participants will debate on the ways to integrate AI tools safely and effectively in teaching settings, to implement software in educational environments and deal with e.g., correct and consistent assessment of students’ work, etc. 
  • New Learning Club on "Engaging and inclusive teaching methods for upskilling and reskilling of adults", as of September 2024 - The club, based on the interest of participants, will select focal topics and allow for peer exchanges, and sharing of inspirational practice, starting from some key questions, such as: How do you keep learners engaged, especially when coming from disadvantaged backgrounds? What is different in terms of pedagogy when working with adults in a classroom and in a company setting? Are there organizational implications like the need for flexible learning offers in terms of time and place (e.g. face-to-face and online)?

Who can join?

All members of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators can join the learning clubs. Not a member yet? Join here for free. You will be asked to demonstrate practical expertise and perhaps present shortly your good practice in innovative teaching methods. As a treat, all participating members will receive Pioneers Open Badges by ETF!

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