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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa



Está interessado em colaborar com outros parceiros de toda a Europa mas ainda não tem uma ideia concreta?

Adicionar a sua organização

Adicione a sua organização à Pesquisa de Parceiros da EPALE para dar mais visibilidade ao seu perfil e informar os outros de que está interessado em envolver-se na cooperação pan-europeia.

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Encontre as informações mais recentes sobre como a UE promove a política de Educação de Adultos

Applied Filters

We are a local association formed as a public-private partnership with the mission to support sustainable development in Svilengrad and Topolovgrad municipalities, situated in the south-east of Bulgaria,
LAG Svilengrad-Topolovgrad
ASTREA is a multi-disciplinary organisation providing a wide range of integrated consulting services to public and private actors across several focus areas. Having started as a two-person company, we are on a continuous journey of growth. Our current team consists of people w...
Fondatsiya za regionalno razvitie (FRR) (in English - Regional Development Foundation - RDF) is a non-profit organization, established for the benefit of the general public in 2000. The main objectives of the organization are to support the development and promotion of moral v...
Easy English Language Centre is located in the ancient town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.  We have been teaching English since 2017 and we try to focus on an innovative and motivating methodology and individual approach.  We have always believed in lifelong learning and have had som...
Easy English Language Centre is located in the ancient town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.  We have been teaching English since 2017 and we try to focus on an innovative and motivating methodology and individual approach.  We have always believed in lifelong learning and have had som...