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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa


IDEAL Distance Education and Blended Learning Handbook, 8th Edition

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Sławomir Łais
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The end goal for readers of the Handbook is crafting a distance or blended education program planning document. This edition builds on lessons learned from innovations developed in response to COVID-19 school closures, adds information about hyflex course creation and implementation, and includes insights about attending to equity in distance education programming.

The guidebook was issued in 2022. It covers the key topics linked to distance education and provides definitions as well as practical tips. The content is divided into chapters concerning important areas of educational projects like recruitment, Readiness, Instruction, and assessment. The publication includes some appendixes with practical tools.

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Jen Vanek, Destiny Simpson, Jamie Harris, & Jeff Goumas
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