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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa

Organisation Details

Változó Világért Alapítvány


Our foundation is a public benefit organisation operating since 1999, with its headquarters in Szombathely, Hungary and its area of operation is the western border region of Hungary. The primary aim of its establishment and operation is to help people of different age groups to improve their knowledge and their integration in the labour market and society.

Our target group consists of several age groups. Our activities focus on helping the unemployed and job seekers, providing career guidance for young people, supporting the work-life balance of employees and helping companies to find employees.  We carry out our work by providing training, advice, information, organising events and research. We are constantly monitoring changes in demands and opportunities, and we try to respond in a flexible and innovative way.

Over the years, we have built up a wide range of professional and collaborative relationships. Public administration, local government, education, SMEs, large companies and the civil sector are all among our partners in a spirit of mutual cooperation.

Organisation Details
Área de atividades/interesses
Organização de investigação ou grupo de reflexão
Organização especializada em aprendizagem ou em orientação para a carreira
Operador de educação de adultos
ID da organização

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