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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa



Thematic week: Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning

Profile picture for user EPALE Hungary.

Hungary has been actively involved in European cooperation in the field of quality assurance in vocational education and training since 2005 and, at the same time, is among the first EU Member States that have already aligned their national QA systems in VET with the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework in VET (EQAVET).

The National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning (NOVETAL) has been operating the EQAVET National Reference Point since 2010.


Through its operation, the Reference Point has been supporting the development of quality assurance in vocational education and training and adult learning of Hungary on the level of institutions and decision-making.

As part of our thematic week “Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning”, we aim, on the one hand, to raise awareness of the EQAVET framework system, the related developments and future tasks in Hungary, and, on the other, to provide a better insight into how quality assurance is implemented in both vocational education and training and adult education in Hungary.

The articles related to the thematic week can be found in Hungarian, English and German as well.


Please read our articles published on a daily basis from 25 May 2020 onwards.

25/05/2020, Monday

Katalin Molnárné Stadler: The EQAVET Framework

26/05/2020, Tuesday

Tibor Králik: EQAVET in Hungarian formal VET

27/05/2020, Wednesday

Katalin Molnárné Stadler: Performing self-evaluation in VET institutions using the EQAVET Framework

28/05/2020, Thursday

József Marton: EQAVET in Adult Learning in Hungary

29/05/2020,  Friday

Eszter Karvázy: Erasmus+ project for the development of the European VET Quality Assurance Framework in Hungary



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