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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa

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EPALE IN ACTION Presentation: TUC unionlearn, Andy Moss

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Jonny Lear

As part of the EPALE IN ACTION conference (17 November 2016) Andy Moss, TUC unionlearn, presented on the topic of Workplace Learning as part of the Thematic Discussions Community Space.

Unionlearn is the learning and skills organisation of the TUC and works to assist trade unions in the delivery of learning opportunities for their members as well as managing the Union Learning Fund.  Andy Moss is Project Officer for unionlearn and in this presentation talks about the support and resources unionlearn offers to union representatives to help with workplace learning, and some examples of union activity in this area.

Further information visit unionlearn website by clicking the link here.



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Andy Moss
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United Kingdom
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