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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih u Evropi



Get ready for next EPALE discussion on Young adults for a circular economy

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Lifelong Learning Platform

Online discussion Skills for the green transition: young adults for a circular economy

On Thursday 7 July, from 10 am to 4 pm CEST, EPALE will be hosting an online discussion on Skills for the green transition: young adults for a circular economy.

The written discussion will be introduced by a live stream (10-10.40 am CEST), with invited experts sharing their perspectives and experiences: Raffaela Kihrer (Vice President of the Lifelong Learning Platform, Head of Policy of the European Association for the Education of Adults) and Mayri Tiido (leader of the CESCY project & Founder of Lowmerism).

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The live stream will be followed by a moderated written discussion, hosting the contributions of our EPALE community members.

The goal of the online discussion is to shed light on the implications of the green transition, specifically for education environments. To achieve this, the discussion seeks to explore questions like:

  • What skills are necessary for a circular economy?

  • Where is best to learn these skills?

  • How will the young adult population be impacted by the green transition?

  • And, crucially, what can be done to make sure that all learners are integral parts of the process?

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Photo by Alena Koval, on Pexels

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Agnese Lejniece
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Thu, 07/07/2022 - 14:22

Manuprāt, daļai Latvijas un citu valstu  sabiedrībai ir nesaprotams jēdziens aprites ekonomika un sākumā ir jāstrādā pie sabiedrības informēšanu, kas tad tas vispār ir un kā tas var palīdzēt ikdienas dzīves organizēšanā. Tāpat ir jāaicina iedzīvotāji dalīties labās prakses peimēros par ikdienas paradumu maiņu un aprites ekonomikas principu pielietošanas ikdienā.

Jau vairāk kā 5 gadus ikdienā šķirojam atkritumus un arī bērniem mācām to, bet ar vien saņemu jautājumus nio kaimiņiem un paziņām, kam tev tas vajadzīgs un ko tev tas dod... No sākuma skaidroju, bet šobrīd jau saprotu, ka pietiks ja pateikšu, ka man un mani ģimenei tas ir svarīgi un aicinu arī tevi par to padomāt....


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Profile picture for user Philippe WESTPHAL.
Thu, 07/07/2022 - 11:41

Hello to all
Actually, what bothers me in all this is always the term "economy".
Why not talk, in response to all those people who have noticed, like Jana Galova, the despair of young people in the system that our "evolved" society has put in place.
As if the "economic" system was inescapable, as we try to make believe that of technology, of new technologies.
Have we looked for something else? Have we tried to think differently? Have we imagined that happiness could come from thoughts other than Cartesian and economic ones? When we look at Nature, have we not seen for a long time that there are things that go beyond us, that amaze us without us being able to explain them? Do we not have many writings that mention this "unexplained world" that we do not want to see or hear? Is what we call today "freedom" really freedom? Are you aware of it?
I am astonished by this imprisonment in a single form of thought. Doesn't this single culture make us handicapped?
Skills required? Openness
Education and training ? To show the marvellous, the one that shakes you, that takes you to the heart, to the roots, and that all of a sudden makes you discover the meaning of your life.

It is to get out of this that, with 12 partners, we have submitted the Erasmus partnership project "Inhabiting the Wonderful Garden", of which you will also find the discussion groups (open, changing our way of life) and Erasmus (for partners, inhabiting the wonderful garden) on Epale.
If you are interested, look, and you will find.

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Profile picture for user JaninaG.
Jana Galová
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Thu, 07/07/2022 - 10:19

Greetings from the Czech Republic. According to professional studies, many children and young people feel pessimistic about their future. Many feelings appear such as fear, helplessness, anger, sadness. I think cooperation and collaboration should be taught and practiced in appropriate ways for students of different levels and ages. Solidarity, compassion, ethics and empathy should be integrated into the ways in which we learn. I work in education field and I am also a career counselor. Green consulting (guidance) is a big topic nowadays. Counseling must take into account and raise awareness of the environmental impacts of careers choices. In general, in education, adult education, career counseling, there is a need to develop more critical thinking, systemic thinking, which the ladies talked about.. Information materials on career choices should include their environmental aspects. Counseling theory and practice should go beyond the individualistic approach and take into account as well shared aspects of career development. The assumption is that educators and counselors should regularly reflect on their own practice.

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Wed, 07/06/2022 - 17:55

A very important skill for having a truly circular economy is the ability to adapt to change and above all the willingness to do so.

In my opinion, this is not only learned in schools, but in life in society. We have to accept that we will have to give up our ways of life in order to have life in the future on our planet. We must discuss this issue in our families, in our workplace, in our universities, in our organisations, in our society.

I think the solution is not another gap between generations (with the young people advocating for the Planet ant the elder generation having noting to say or deemed apart ). It is an issue that affects everyone and all must understand how to contribute to this green transition.

Adult education can be important to engage adults more effectively in this process.

Maybe we also need to discuss this topic more broadly, using TV, advertising, school programmes, ONG’s activities, etc.

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Profile picture for user LudwigSCRCE.
Mon, 06/27/2022 - 11:53

Dear fellow Circulars,

I will join for sure to learn from you. We have created a manual how to live a circular economical way and how to decide what to do in daily life. You can find it here in Epale:

In the article you can learn about it and download it. Although the project SCRCE is finished, we continue to work with the results in new projects.

Best wishes, looking forward to your event,

yours Volker

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