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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa

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Accredited organisation
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
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Kiara Gezels
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Pubblicato su 2 mesi passato
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Join us in a groundbreaking project aimed at developing an AI-based platform to support music education in the crucial stages of career orientation and repertoire selection:
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Profile picture for user alessandrozeppelli.
Alessandro ZEPPELLI
|Pubblicato su 3 mesi passato
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Project title: AI-well_ acts2030... Project Proposal: Empowering Youth Health, Responsible Digital Consumption, and Inclusive Education through digital literacy Keyterms: EU -AI- Act #youth #digitalliteracy #digitalskills #resilience #responsibleconsumption #art&science #ai-art Introduction: The proposed project aims to holistically address youth health, responsible digital consumption, and inclusive education by introducing art-based tools, assistive technologies, and methods from fine arts for online-but also for on-site education. Through a multi-faceted approach, the project seeks to enhance digital literacy, prevent digital violence, promote mental health and well-being, empower blind and visually impaired students, and contribute to the improvement of digital education for high school students, teachers and beyond.
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Profile picture for user Tatjana Christelbauer.
Tatjana Christelbauer
|Pubblicato su 10 mesi passato