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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa

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Coordinatori Erasmus+ accreditati alla ricerca di nuovi membri del consorzio

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Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
WE ARE LOOKING FOR PARTNERS IN THE FIELD OF MENTORING AND SPORT. Fundació Gentis (Spain) is looking for partners for the next Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnership call IN THE FIELD OF SPORT (deadline 23 March 2023). We are looking for social organizations/public administrations/ sport clubs with interest to be trained in the field of mentoring and sport and implement a pilot in this field with the support of other experienced partners. The mentees will be young people at risk of social exclusion. Mentors will be sportmen and sportwomen. We aim to create the first EU network of organizations implementing mentoring in the field of sport. If interested, please contact Irene Kopetz ( and we will provide you with more information. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Iniziato da
irene KOPETZ
|Pubblicato su 1 anno passato