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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Here's the translation: "CHANCE IT is a project born within 'e.artES cum panis' aps, conceived by Mizar Tagliavini and co-authored with Dafne Ciccola. It involves the collaboration of IT specialist Giorgio Liberini and the support of the independent artistic space ESPACE ART ESSENTIEL. In its inaugural year, the project was joined by the Portuguese organization 'Dançar com Parkinson,' and in its second year, by 'Teatro de los Sentidos' led by Enriques Vargas in Barcelona. According to its original intent, CHANCE IT (C.IT) was created with the aim of providing methodological support to artists affected by chronic and autoimmune diseases (CAD), in order to re-enable their participation in their field and assist them in re-entering the workforce. Chronic illnesses are recognized by the World Health Organization as the leading cause of death globally. For artists in motion, CAD disrupts their lives, undermining their very existence. Besides the specific symptoms of each disease, patients often experience pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and mood swings. Anxiety, uncertainty, frustration, and loss of control can arise. CHANCE IT's primary objective is to contribute to the restoration and maintenance of a positive emotional, spiritual, and physical perspective through group work centered on sharing and fostering the creative channel. C.IT is effectively a transversal research project that draws from numerous neuroscientific studies (some referenced in the bibliography) published in recent years to establish a solid scientific foundation for the proposed somatic and artistic practices for the involved audience. In recent years, various studies (2) have emerged, advocating, for instance, dance or somatic techniques, or gentle exercises (such as yoga, pilates) to support chronic illnesses, aiming to recover cognitive and physical abilities, enhance quality of life, and promote well-being and social interaction—functions often disrupted or altered. "C.IT does not confine itself to these types of studies, which constitute an assumption in the methodology research. CHANCE IT has positioned itself as an attempt to foster dialogue between scientific research and experiential practice. It regards the methodology developed in its first year as a living and open field of study to integrate, progressively, the discoveries that science will offer and to engage in dialogue with professionals from both the medical and artistic fields.
Profile picture for user n008nwbw.
Mizar Tagliavini
|Birt 5 mánuðir síðan
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Notre projet repose sur un échange de pratiques et des visites entre acteurs gestionnaires d’activités de travail adapté sur 1 ou 2 pays européen. Le thème serait celui du travail adapté et de l’inclusion hors les murs pour les travailleurs handicapés. Penser désinstitutionnalisation, c’est avant tout répondre à l’exigence de la notion de parcours en répondant aux besoins de la personne handicapée de façon individualisée et sur mesure pour favoriser l’autonomie. Selon l’UDAPEI 62, toutes les personnes handicapées, quel que soit le degré de difficultés, peuvent vivre de l’inclusion avec les autres. Si pour la personne au handicap complexe, sévère ou polyhandicapée, son besoin d’accompagnement est plus important, elle doit pour autant pouvoir vivre en société. Par une réponse adaptée, sur mesure, au plus près de ses attentes et besoins, la société, elle aussi, doit lui faire une place. La désinstitutionnalisation permet tout particulièrement aux personnes les moins autonomes d’envisager des modalités et temps de vie adapté dans le milieu ordinaire. Le but de ce projet est donc partager, lors des échanges des modalités de travail, des actions sur le thème du travail adapté en milieu ordinaire ou hors les murs, en s’appuyant sur des partenariats européens ayant déjà une expérience et des pratiques d’inclusion sociale.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Birt 5 mánuðir síðan
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We offer our expertise as an experienced partner for K2 projects, specializing in art-related topics. With over a decade of proficiency in art projects, our passionate team is eager to contribute to your porject. Our strengths include research excellence, design proficiency, and a solid decade of successful project experience. Choose us for proven success, a shared passion for art, and a collaborative approach. Connect at to express interest or schedule a meeting. We're enthusiastic about potential collaborations and ready to enhance your project's success.
Poenta Novi Sad
|Birt 5 mánuðir síðan
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
We specialise in various KA1 mobility activities, including staff mobility, courses, and training for both adult learners and educators, along with job shadowing. Our programmes cover learner mobility, group mobility for adult learners and support activities like hosting teachers and educators in training, preparatory visits and invited expert sessions.
Profile picture for user n00buoed.
Mirna Rubeša
Community Hero (Gold Member).
|Birt 5 mánuðir síðan
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
ana calvo
|Birt 5 mánuðir síðan