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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Leit að samstarfsaðilum

Þrengdu leitarskilyrði

Samtök erlendis sem eru að leita að samstarfsaðilum í mínu landi

Gerð auglýsingar

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Sýna tilkynningar frá samtökum í því landi

Verkefnisstjórar sem eru með Erasmus aðild í fullorðinsfræðslu og eru að leita að samstarfsaðilum í samstarfsnet (consortium)

Ertu aðili að stofnun?

Með því að skrá samtökin þín á EPALE getur þú sett inn tilkynningu um leit að samstarfsaðilum

Leit að samstarfsaðilum

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Finna nýjustu upplýsingar um hvernig ESB styður við fullorðinsfræðslu

Applied Filters

We are preparing a structured course between October 23rd and 27th. The main topics are leadership, positive thinking, teamwork and creativity, in the context of formal and non -formal education. We will achieve this course with a minimum of 10 participants (from various organisations) and look forward to your contacts with declaration of interest, which we will respond in more detail. At this stage, the course may also include related themes that serve the interests of your organisation.
Profile picture for user Filipe Lopes.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Birt 11 mánuðir síðan
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Mis'apprentissage CFA coordinates with these 22 partner universities and higher education establishments, training and integration actions, tutored projects and more recently stays abroad. He therefore has expertise in the coordination of educational projects and the management of partnerships. As of January 2023, the CFA LEEM manages 1,488 apprenticeship contracts.
Gabrielle da Cunha
|Birt 11 mánuðir síðan