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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EU-CERT Accreditation Handbook: Now Available!

Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

The EU-CERT Accreditation Handbook is available in both English and German and has been created as an Open Educational Resource. Thanks to the CC-by SA license, the contents of the handbook can be copied and shared with other interested users as often as desired. This allows us to effectively disseminate knowledge and information, reaching a wide audience.

We hope you enjoy reading and exploring the contents!

Your EU-CERT Team

What is the EU-CERT Accreditation Handbook?

The EU-CERT Accreditation Handbook provides comprehensive guidance and valuable information on accreditation within the EU-CERT system. It is aimed at anyone interested in or actively involved in accreditation processes and standards.

Why an Open Educational Resource?

By choosing to make the handbook available as an Open Educational Resource under the CC-by SA license, we promote open access to knowledge and the possibility of freely sharing information. This not only supports the dissemination of important content but also contributes to education and further training in this field.


If you are interested in a copy of the EU-CERT Accreditation Handbook or need more information, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to sharing the handbook with you and are eager to hear your feedback.

Enjoy reading!

Your EU-CERT Team

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