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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Empowering Educators to Tackle Youth Substance Abuse: The EDUMAP Project

In today's world, confronting the pressing issue of youth substance abuse stands as one of the priorities. This is where the EDUMAP project comes in.

Ieva Simaliute-Gaidukeviciene

In today's world, confronting the pressing issue of youth substance abuse stands as one of the priorities. This is where the EDUMAP project comes in, aimed at equipping educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify addiction in their students and take the appropriate steps to provide support. Its ultimate objective is to raise awareness and understanding among educators regarding youth substance abuse, equipping them with a comprehensive toolkit of resources, methodologies, guidelines, and tools to make a profound impact on the lives of their students.

Innovative Solutions for a Complex Challenge

The EDUMAP project stands out for its innovative solutions devised to combat the scourge of addiction among young individuals. Let's delve into some of the approaches that hold the promise of making a substantial difference:

1. Comprehensive Educational Resources: At the heart of the project lies the creation of the "Reference Handbook for Substance Abuse." This handbook serves as an inclusive educational resource for teachers, encompassing a wide array of topics, from comprehending dependency, abuse, and addiction to understanding the legal aspects of substance abuse. It provides teachers with a strong foundation to address substance-related issues within their classrooms.

2. Educational Supportive Videos: To make the learning experience more engaging and accessible, the project offers "Educational Supportive Videos" in seven languages. These videos provide practical guidance for teachers in addressing substance abuse issues within schools. They showcase real-life stories and effective educational tools, ensuring that educators are well-prepared to engage with their students on this sensitive topic.

3. Two Guidebooks for Recognizing the Symptoms: The project acknowledges the pivotal role of early detection. It introduces two guidebooks aimed at assisting teachers in recognizing both psychological and social symptoms of substance abuse in students. These resources equip educators with practical knowledge, enabling them to intervene when necessary and provide appropriate support.

4. Online Toolkit for Teachers: To adapt to the digital era, the project will present a dynamic "Preventive Substance Abuse Education Online Toolkit for Teachers." This toolkit will include online resources and tailored lesson plans for primary and secondary schools. It will empower teachers with the means to proactively address substance abuse within their classrooms.

The Role of the EDUMAP Project

The EDUMAP project is more than a mere collection of educational materials; it embodies a holistic approach to combatting youth substance abuse. By heightening teachers' awareness, furnishing them with practical tools, and fostering international collaboration, it aspires to make a tangible difference in the lives of young individuals, their families, and communities.

Our international team are sure that the EDUMAP project will stand as a shining example of how education can serve as a potent instrument in addressing societal challenges. By equipping educators with knowledge and resources to combat youth substance abuse, it will take a substantial step toward a safer and healthier future for Europe's youth. We hope this project will serve as an inspiration for all those dedicated to promoting enhanced learning opportunities and elevating the quality of education across Europe. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future for our youth, free from the shadows of substance abuse.

You can find out more about our project and find the first two results in 7 languages on   

Project coordinator: VšĮ Žmogiškųjų išteklių stebėsenos ir plėtros biuras - Lithuania

Project partners:


APEC Egitim Danismanlik Ltd. – Turkey


Kestävän Kehityksen Instituutti ry – Finland



Kelme "Krazantes" Progymnasium – Lithuania

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