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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Profile picture for user n00a6a6m.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The JBSE project aims to produce tangible results. Firstly, the production of Pedagogical Models a Guide for Innovative Job
Shadowing including remote, blended & in-person opportunities (R1). As partners will continue research to envisage future needs
& adapt content to fit the evolution of the context& how it may affect our target groups, the precise contents will only be finalised
during the Design &Development Phase.
Secondly, the production of 4 Self-contained, Variable-access Interactive Learning Modules, each with adapted pedagogical
methodology to maximise the benefits of job shadowing & facilitate digital upskilling of VET educators.
The 1st module will be ‘preparing for job shadowing (R2). The 2nd interactive module will be ‘maximising the benefits during the job
shadowing period’ (R3). The 3rd interactive module will be a ‘post job shadowing valorisation programme’, making the most of the
opportunities provided by Job Shadowing (R4). The 4th interactive module will be a ‘guide for hosting vet educators for
virtual/blended/in-person transnational job shadowing’ (R5).
Our resources will be open source, freely downloadable in English & the 4 project languages. Users will be able to tailor the
materials to the needs of specific target groups. This will empower VET educators & schools/training organisations by making use
of the materials that we will develop in this project in order to make a concrete positive difference to VET learners. In this way
although our main focus will be on VET staff our results will be adaptable for all categories of educators across Europe.
Besides these deliverables, partners will develop a website, YouTube channel, social media pages & 2 end-user specific
communities of practice to provide easy & varied access to our results. They will ensure maximum functionality & userfriendliness,
allowing us to showcase success stories of participants & organisations. Further details in a later section.
The Main Outcomes & Impacts of our project will be to firstly, upscaled competences & knowledge of best practice for VET
educators leads to improved quality of earning provision. Secondly, upskilled adult educators & adult learners leading to more
innovative & relevant effective creation & use remote-access/blended/face-to-face digital resources. Thirdly, increased
knowledge of the Erasmus+ programme & funding opportunities leading to increased number of job shadowing opportunities.
Fourthly, the provision of innovative materials & a working model thereby leading to organisations offering job shadowing
opportunities to staff.
Fifthly, increased numbers taking part in job shadowing leads to improved sharing of best practice leads to improved quality of
learning offered to vet trainees & employees involved in in-service training. Increased vet staff familiarity with the benefits of
international mobility leads to increase in the opportunities for trainee mobilities. This is a highly significant outcome as it is
recognised by the French National Agency that VET staff can be the decisive factor which encourages their trainees from
disadvantaged backgrounds to have the courage to sign up for a work-based mobility experience.
Finally, increased awareness of best practice from across Europe leading to increased labour market relevance of learning
provision leading to bringing the worlds of education & business closer together.
As Mutte said ‘Job shadowing can benefit from advances in digital technologies & become a continuous part of good educational
practice through distance exchanges & physical mobilities’. The JobShadowEur projects aims to make a significant contribution to
this process.

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