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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

10 okt

Designing a long educational cycle

Poland,  Warszawa
Profile picture for user Katarzyna Fusiek.
Katarzyna Fusiek

This course is an opportunity for NGO trainers, educators and facilitators who face the challenge of designing and developing an educational cycle for one group, which is more complex and longer than two meetings, each at least two days long (the group is working more than four days altogether).

Event Details
As planned
Vefsvæði viðburðar
Organiser type
Other event
Entrance fee
350 euro
Tilgangur og markmið

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

know how to design an effective educational cycle
know regulations and rules of work with the group in the educational cycle
understand different roles in the educational cycle: coordinator, supervisor, process assistant
analyze difficult group situations from different angles and perspectives
apply supervision methods and tools to support individuals during the educational cycle


designing educational cycle, online tools and application useful in an educational cycle,
specific roles in the educational cycle – coordinator, supervisor, process assistant
regulations and rules to work with the group in the educational cycle,
managing and supporting the team of trainers in the educational cycle, communication within a team,
tools and methods for supporting individuals during the educational cycle: tutoring, consultations, supervision, individual action plan
group process in an educational cycle, typical difficult situations and challenges in the educational cycle,
team supervision as a tool in a longer process.

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EPALE Editor

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Þegar litið er til lýðfræðilegra breytinga (demographic change) í Evrópu kemur í ljós að hlutfall eldra fólks í öllum Evrópusambandslöndunum er hátt og fer hækkandi. Þess vegna er afar áríðandi að boðið sé upp á hágæða námsefni, sem sniðið er að þörfum eldra fólks og að fólkið sjálft sé haft með í stefnumótun í símenntun og virkri þátttöku í samfélaginu. 
