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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

26 jún


Profile picture for user Francesca Costero.
Francesca Costero
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Validate non-formal and informal skills of immigrants. This is the aim of the project "Embrace: Enhancement of migrants abilities and recognition of their competences in Europe", funded by Erasmus +, to improve employment opportunities in Europe for extra-european migrants, particularly in the agri-food sector, allowing them to leave the emergency condition and to counter forms of exploitation such as “Caporalato”. How? Through the creation of a transnational methodology, composed of diversified phases such as the identification, validation and final certification of the transversal experiences gained by the user, translated, thanks to this process, into knowledge and marketable skills. Experts throughout Europe have thus worked on the drafting of a catalogue of profiles and professional skills, methodological guidelines tested on case studies and producing a toolkit for operators and certifiers. The partnership was valid and diversified, from 6 countries, such as Denmark (VIFIN), France (Oxalis e MFR Ventavon), Germany (acli e. V. – das Selbsthilfewerk für interkulturelle Arbeit), Netherlands (Pressure Line), Italy (CFIQ e EnAIP Piemonte) e Spain (Tradigenia SL).

For the presentation of the project and its results, a multiplayer event is scheduled for the morning of Wednesday the 26th of June 2019 at the ITCILO – International Training Centre of the ILO.

Below the detailed program:


09.15    Doors open /Registration

Introduction Sergio Pugliano ıııı EnAIP Piemonte General Manager

09.45    Institutional Greetings

10.00    Certification of skills for migrants – an international perspective


10.20    The EU policies for the skills enhancement of immigrants within the EU


10.40    Presentation of EMBRACE project


11.00    Presentation of the Interactive Toolkit for Identification and Validation of Competences and Skills

Thomas Kryger Hansen ıııı VIFIN

11.20    Panel-discussions: Taking action to improve the opportunities and access to the European labour market

            For migrants

Project partners and representatives of target groups

12.20    Strenghts of European projects: recommendations

Francesca Costero ıııı EnAIP Piemonte

12.30    Conclusions and prospects for the future

Luca Sogno ıııı EnAIP Piemonte President

For more information about the project:

Registration required by the 20th of June:

Event Details
As planned
Gerð viðburðar
Vefsvæði viðburðar
Númer ESB verkefnis
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
En.A.I.P. Piemonte
Upplýsingar um skipuleggjanda
En.A.I.P. Piemonte
Via del Ridotto, 5 - Torino
Phone: 0112179854
Fjöldi þátttakenda
100 - 200
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Tilgangur og markmið
The promise of the European vocational education policy is very ambitious: in addition to formally acquired knowledge and skills, the process and results of non-formal and informal learning should also be validated and certified across Europe. The general and professional competences of individuals should – regardless of the duration and nature of their acquisition – be presented in an objectified manner and made usable in education and in the labour market. This applies both to intra-European mobility and to migrants with and without formal vocational qualifications.
In the EMBRACE project, experts throughout Europe have worked intensively on the professional and learning experiences of migrants, in selected but exemplary occupations, fields of activity and professional profiles in the agri-food industry.
How can history, culture and other experiences of migrants be perceived and objectified? How can their skills be harnessed in the labour market and made accessible to a complex balance between labour demand and supply, in line with human potential?
Following a cross-border development and testing process, the EMBRACE project provides robust and operational tools for transnational European identification, validation and certification of skills in the agri-food sector. This offer is addressed to people with migration experience, potential employers, vocational
training institutions and public VET institutions and labour market promotion entities.
Recognition / certification of participation

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