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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja


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Akkreditált Erasmus+ koordinátorok, akik új konzorciumi tagokat keresnek

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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Join us in a groundbreaking project aimed at developing an AI-based platform to support music education in the crucial stages of career orientation and repertoire selection:
Profile picture for user alessandrozeppelli.
Alessandro ZEPPELLI
|Közzétett 3 hónap ago
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Ecece is looking for the last partner in the NoViolence at school project, The project aims at providing school teachers and students with strategies and methodologies knowledge and skills to implement nonviolent communication. Please send us your PIF and provide informations using this link:… and/or write us: Ecece team Alessandro Zeppelli
Profile picture for user alessandrozeppelli.
Alessandro ZEPPELLI
|Közzétett 1 év ago
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)

ECECE is an Austrian Verein based in Klagenfurt formed by a group of experts coming from different EU countries all dealing with EU project manag

Profile picture for user alessandrozeppelli.
Alessandro ZEPPELLI
|Közzétett 1 év ago
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)

ECECE is an Austrian Verein based in Klagenfurt but formed by a group of experts coming from different EU countries all dealing with EU project management and education <

Profile picture for user alessandrozeppelli.
Alessandro ZEPPELLI
|Közzétett 1 év ago