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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja

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Applied Filters

Europolitiche is a cross media channel on European Politics.
Giuseppina ROSSI
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
The Foundation works in the field of social welfare in Italy and promotes development interventions in the emerging countries.In Italy, Punto Missione managesA women-minors community.A social housing service for temporarily vulnerable groups, including asylum seekers. A d...
Silvia Daminelli
Liceo Tassoni is a science high school in Modena in the north of Italy. our students are from 14 to 19 years old. They study STEM subjects together with italian, latin, philosophy and art.We have an Erasmus accreditation until 2027. We have already had some projects with Franc...
Annalisa Ble'
Helpcode is a non-profit organization dedicated to provide a good education for every child in Italy and 9 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia to build a better future around the world. On a global level we carry out projects about education, water and sanitation, emergencies...
Zeynep Pinar Toprakkiran
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Natalia Bedeschi
Università delle LiberEtà is a lifelong learning centre based in Udine, Italy. It is an accredited institution involved in both Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects.
Profile picture for user Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg.
Giuseppina Raso
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).