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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja



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Ha regisztrálja szervezetét az EPALE platformon, saját maga is feltehet partnerkeresést.

Ismerje meg a legfrissebb információkat arról, milyen módon mozdítja elő az EU a felnőttkori tanulás területét szakpolitikai szinten

Applied Filters

The Division of Human Resources is part of the central administration of the University of Iceland. There are ten specialists working at the Division of Human Resources, educated and experienced in the field of human resources. They provide staff with information and advice on...
Profile picture for user Gurra.
Gudrun Larusdottir
Fjölmennt is an adult education center; course-and resource center for learning disabled people, 20 years old and older. Fjölmennt focuses on quality of life, empowerment and equal opportunitiesFjölmennt also provides special educational consultation for adult education center...
Anna Soffía Óskarsdóttir
Apon helps you create your own educational apps.  Mobile app development is expensive, slow and frustrating. As a result, many educators are falling behind in today’s mobile world, losing an opportunity to stay connected to students. The primary device of students has become t...
The main role of Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland is threefold; service to patients, teaching and training of clinical staff and scientific research. The hospital offers diverse clinical services in outpatient clinics, day patient units, inpatient ward...