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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih



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Applied Filters

O Centro Qualifica da Escola Profissional de Coruche é uma entidade vocacionada para a Educação e Formação de Adultos, em contexto formal, não formal e informal.
Profile picture for user n00g9woa.
Centro Qualifica Coruche
Tampere region's Adult Education Centre is Finland's oldest civic college, which offers more than 2,000 courses per year for approximately 15,000 course participants. Our Adult Education Cenrte courses are open to everyone, and they are based on the principle of lifelong learn...
Marianne Laakso
Green Educatin Institute Sp. z o. o. is a young organization offering various forms of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and management support addressed to both creators and a wide range of participants in formal and non-formal education.
Profile picture for user n00fd33p.
Elżbieta Kwiatkowska
La Asociación Los Mayores Valores de Santa Cruz de Tenerife es una entidad educativa y sociosanitaria fundada en 2012 que tiene como objetivo integrar a las personas mayores en la sociedad mediante el intercambio de su conocimiento y experiencia con los jóvenes. Además, busca ...
amaia Lauzurica
We are a group of people from different European Countries and backgrounds. We are project managers, teachers, trainers, and experienced evaluators.
Hendek Public Education Centre (Hendek HEM) is an institution affiliated to the Turkish Ministry of National Education that provides non-formal education to people of all ages in the context of lifelong learning. Hendek HEM started its first activity in 1974. Hendek HEM contin...
Profile picture for user n002ev1m.
Muhammed BULUT
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).