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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe



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Applied Filters

Green Educatin Institute Sp. z o. o. is a young organization offering various forms of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and management support addressed to both creators and a wide range of participants in formal and non-formal education.
Profile picture for user n00fd33p.
Elżbieta Kwiatkowska
CPEPA Cuenca Minera, a Public Center for Adult Education located in Montalbán, a small village in the province of Teruel, within the Cuenca Minera region. As part of the so-called “Empty Spain,” we face significant challenges due to depopulation.
Tania Ortiz Dominguez
Southeast Anatolian Carpet Exporters' Association (GAHİB) was established in 2009 and has approximately 1,200 members. Our Association is one of the two Carpet Exporters' Associations in Türkiye and acts as the Coordinator Association for the carpet sector and carries out the ...
Tuğba Borazan Karadeniz
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
ATC was founded in 1973 and since then we have been providing Quality English Language programmes for students of all ages from across the world.
Profile picture for user n00ffmdx.
Sarah Corrigan
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
HIPERACTIVITY is an organisation specialised in project management and consultancy for European programmes related to education, training, employment and local development. Our mission is to foster education and training without limits, by promoting and participating in Europe...
Vittorio Gelso