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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi

Partnership Details

CEPA Las Rosas is looking for partners K204

Profile picture for user CEPA LAS ROSAS.
Beatriz Luna
| Julkaistu To, 12/19/2019 - 11:47

CEPA LAS Rosas is a school for adults in Madrid, it is located in a neighbourhood closed to the city center. Our school provides basic education courses for adults and young people. Our school offers specific courses for illiterate students.
In addition to the institutional courses, our school also teaches Spanish as a second language, ICT and basic English for adults. We have special training courses for disabled people.

Our school has a big students’ association, several volunteer teachers and srtudents provide non formal education workshops.

Recently we have notticed that the tendency to racism is increasing, and our students have predujices against people from different backgrounds. So we would like them to travel and get to know other cultures and different realities and, thereby, open their minds and help them develop positive attitudes towards different cultures.

We have experience with European projects, we have been working in two Grundtwig projects, and we have a very good experience in both of them. Our studentes are still in contact with students of the projects.

Beatriz Luna

Partnership Details
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