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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi

Organisation Details

Unicert Studies


UNICERT Studies is certified by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), with licence code 192159658. It provides the following services:

  • Implements vocational training programmes for the unemployed, employed and the self-employed;
  • Provides counselling to unemployed and other vulnerable groups;
  • Manages and supports the implementation of Co-financed ;

The organisation has new building infrastructure, with modern technological and educational means and an integrated distance learning system. The staff possess extensive experience in management, implementation and evaluation of vocational training programmes. Moreover, it has a nationwide network of external experts and collaborators.

Organisation Details
Toiminta-alue / kiinnostuksen kohteet
Aikuiskoulutuksen tarjoajat
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