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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi

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Bridges between Research and Practice in University Lifelong Learning: Policy Report and Recommendations (EUCEN and Dialogue project)

In 2011, The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills commissioned Taylor Nelson Sofres to conduct longitudinal research in order to build a deeper and more robust understanding of the various impacts of community learning on individuals, families and communities. The research consists of a multi-cohort longitudinal design. All learners in this cohort completed a community learning course between July 2011 and February 2012. The interviews at Wave 1 took place between March to June 2012, and the findings from the Wave 1 study are reported in the Community Learning Learner Survey (published in March 2013).8 All learners who agreed to be re-contacted at Wave 1 were approached for a follow up interview around 12 months later. In total 1,951 interviews were conducted. This report presents findings from the second wave of interviews. At both waves of the survey, the quantitative interview was complemented with some qualitative research to explore the learner journeys in further detail.

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Resurssin laatija
Carrie Harding, Daniel Clay, Ed Mortimer, Shadi Ghezelayagh, Anna Bloch
Resurssin tyyppi
Tutkimukset ja raportit
United Kingdom
Asiakirjan kieli
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