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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi


Tekoäly nyky-yhteiskunnassa

Profile picture for user Johanna Tarvainen.
Johanna Tarvainen

Tule mukaan pohtimaan ja keskustelemaan tekoälyn roolista nyky-yhteiskunnassa ja miettimään keinoja, joilla sitä voidaan oppia käyttämään parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla.

Keskiviikkona 15.5. klo 11.00  EPALE järjestää keskustelun aiheesta "Tekoäly nyky-yhteiskunnassa". Keskustelun moderoi EAEA ja Steph Wright Scottish AI Alliancesta and Christoph Bretgeld from All Digitalista ovat mukana asiantuntijoina.

Steph Wrightin intohimona on kehittää yhteistyötä eri organisaatioiden välillä ja auttaa ihmisiä heidän data- ja tekoälymatkallaan. Wright johti Data Labin työtä, jossa  Skotlannin hallitusta tuettiin maan tekoälystrategian kehittämisessä, ja nyt hän johtaa strategian vision toteuttamista, jotta Skotlannista tulisi johtava toimija luotettavan, eettisen ja osallistavan tekoälyn käytössä.

Christoph Bretgeld on Amsterdamissa sijaitsevan SkillLab-yrityksen toinen perustajajäsen. Hän on erikoistumut kehittämään tekoälypohjaisia sovelluksia uraohjaukseen ja koulutusekosysteemeihin. 

Aloitamme lähetyksen klo 11.00 asiantuntijoiden puheenvuoroilla. Keskustelualue on avoinna EPALEn käyttäjille klo neljään asti. 

Katso lähetys täältä!

Keskustelun aikana tarkastellaan tekoälyn vaikutusta yksilöihin ja yhteisöihin ja keskitymme siihen, miten tekoälystrategiat voivat vastata yhteiskunnallisiin tarpeisiin. Tutkimme tekoälyn merkitystä yhteiskunnissamme ja keskustelemme hallitusten, kansalaisyhteiskunnan organisaatioiden ja kansainvälisten elinten yhteistyöstä, jotta voidaan varmistaa tekoälyn vastuullinen kehitys paikallisesti, kansallisesti ja maailmanlaajuisesti.

Keskustelun aikana paneudutaan seuraaviin teemoihin: 

  • Miten tekoäly voi vaikuttaa myönteisesti yhteisöihin ja ihmisiin?
  • Miten voimme pitää tekoälystrategiat joustavina teknologian muuttuessa?
  • Miten voimme tehdä tekoälyhankkeista tasa-arvoisia syrjäytyneille ryhmille?
  • Miten hallitukset, kansalaisyhteiskunta ja kansainväliset järjestöt voivat tehdä yhteistyötä varmistaakseen tekoälyn vastuullisen käytön kaikkialla maailmassa?

Tule mukaan keskustelemaan siitä, miten tekoäly voi olla hyödyntämässä ihmiskuntaa eettisesti ja osallistavasti.

Kommenttikenttä on jo avoinna, voit jo lisätä sinne omia ajatuksiasi, kokemuksiasi ja suosituksia! 

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Profile picture for user gina.ebner.
Regina EBNER
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 12:47

I am currently sitting at home not being able to use my left arm because I broke it, and in this situation I'm wondering how artificial intelligence can support people with disabilities. I am currently using a speech recognition program so that I can type (we'll, not type but just speak). These are groups that can definitely benefit from artificial intelligence. I'm wondering whether there are any examples in adult education that demonstrate how to use artificial intelligence for learning with disabled people.
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Profile picture for user JaninaG.
Jana Galová
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 18:15

In reply to by Regina EBNER

AI is increasingly used in adult education for disabled individuals. Text to speech and speach to text technologie help those with visual and hearing impairments access and interacts with content. Personalised learning platforms adjust teaching materials based on individuál learning styles and needs.

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AI can be instrumental in supporting adult education for disabled individuals in various ways:

  1. Personalised Learning: AI-powered adaptive learning platforms can tailor educational content and activities and present it in accessible formats and at a pace that suits each learner.
  2. Accessibility Tools: AI-based accessibility tools, not only speech recognition software but also screen readers, and language translation services, can help learners access and engage with educational materials more effectively. 
  3. Assistive Technologies: AI-driven assistive technologies, such as smart prosthetics, brain-computer interfaces, and sensory augmentation devices, can empower disabled individuals to participate in educational activities that may otherwise be challenging or impossible.
  4. Learning Analytics: AI algorithms can analyse learner data and behaviour to provide insights into individual progress, learning patterns, and areas for improvement.
  5. Communication and Collaboration: AI-powered communication tools, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, can facilitate communication and collaboration among disabled learners, educators, and support staff.

Overall, AI has the potential to enhance adult education for disabled individuals and increase its accessibility.

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Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 11:16

Thank you all for participating in this crucial discussion.

Now I would like to encourage everyone to share any AI learning materials, tools, or resources you may have developed or found valuable. 

By sharing resources and insights, we can collectively understand AI better and ensure it benefits all learners.

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Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 11:45

In reply to by Christin CIESLAK

The course offered by the European School Education Platform explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Language Teaching. It covers personalised learning experiences, automated grading and feedback, immersive language practice, and data analysis for tailored lesson plans. The target audience includes teachers from all school levels and subjects interested in enhancing their knowledge of AI in Language Teaching. The course aims to help participants understand the types of AI available, its challenges and applications, and how to design learning resources incorporating AI.

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Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 11:48

In reply to by Christin CIESLAK

The e-talk with Prof. Andrea Renda delves into the complexities of regulating emerging technologies, with a focus on the proposed European regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) presented by the Commission in April 2021. The session targets the EU policymaking community, EU institutions, research and academia, national authorities, and international organizations. Participants will learn about modern EU policymaking and gain insights from world-class academics, journalists, and thinkers.

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Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 12:37

In reply to by Christin CIESLAK

Also have a look at the keynote speech by Clare Stark, UN Coordinator at UNESCO for Emerging Technologies, delivered at the 2023 EPALE Community Conference.

Watch the full session recording here: [

Additionally, delve deeper into the discussion with an informal interview with Clare Stark:

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I wanted to tip about a the free online course called "Elements of AI", which has been running since 2018. Over a million people have registered on the course from 170 countries.

"The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace." 

A free online introduction to artificial intelligence for non-experts (

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Profile picture for user n00bsx5e.
Angeliki Giannakopoulou
Ke, 15.05.2024 - 10:51

The mindful and critical adoption of AI in adult education and skills identification can, indeed as discussed, be a way to equalise the modern societal rhythms for people that have been especially excluded from processes due to lack of time, money or access based on prejudice. 

It's really interesting to further explore how this becomes broadly available to our learners and educators and what are the next steps we will need to take in order to retain this interest! 

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Absolutely, the mindful and critical adoption of AI in adult education and skills identification is promising to address various forms of exclusion. Using AI, we might create more equitable learning environments.

But for that, it is crucial that we continue to develop and promote accessible AI tools and training for learners and educators. As mentioned in the discussion, this includes:

  1. Developing AI Skills Frameworks: Creating comprehensive frameworks that go beyond basic digital competencies to include AI-specific skills.
  2. Continuous Professional Development: Ensuring educators have ongoing access to training that enables them to integrate AI into their practices effectively.
  3. Inclusive AI Design: Designing AI tools with inclusivity at their core, ensuring they are accessible to all, including marginalized groups.
  4. Collaborative Efforts: Encouraging collaboration between governments, educational institutions, and tech companies to create policies and resources that support the ethical and effective use of AI in education.
  5. Sharing Resources: Sharing AI learning materials and success stories within our community can inspire and guide others.


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Profile picture for user npchanta.
Ti, 14.05.2024 - 11:34

As we engage in this dialogue on EPALE, I'm reminded of the profound impact AI holds for adult learners and lifelong education. AI isn't just about cutting-edge technology, it can be a way to empowerment and inclusion. If used correctly, inclusively and strategically AI can positively transform education, offering tailored learning experiences that cater to diverse needs and preferences.

Whether it's personalized learning path or adaptive assessments, AI has the capacity to revolutionize how we approach education at all stages of life. Education is a dynamic landscape, constantly evolving to meet new challenges and opportunities. Our AI frameworks must mirror this dynamism, embracing agility to adapt to the ever-changing needs of adult learners.

Equity is another cornerstone in our pursuit of responsible AI in education. For marginalized groups, access to quality education has since ever been a challenge. AI has the potential to bridge this gap, but only if we ensure equitable access and representation in its development and deployment.

And perhaps mostly important, collaborationis key. Governments, educational institutions and civil society must join forces to shape AI policies and practices that prioritize ethical considerations and human values. Together, we can harness the transformative power of AI to create a future where lifelong learning is not just a privilege but a universal right.

In essence, as we explore the intersection of AI and adult education, let's remember the individuals behind the technology - the adult learners thriving for knowledge and empowerment. Let's ensure that AI serves as a catalyst for their journey, enriching lives and communities in meaningful ways.

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Sonja Karbon
Ma, 29.04.2024 - 19:00

In educational and career guidance in particular, it is increasingly important that we develop and define an appropriate AI skills frameworks, as AI skills go beyond Dig.Comp. Above all, there is a need for up-to-date upskilling of counsellors so that they can integrate AI into their work with clients in a needs-based and practical way and thus also contribute to reducing the digital gap and also include marginalized groups in the digital transformation. As part of our Erasmus+ KA2 project 'OCCAY - Online Career Counselling Academy' we have developed an innovative and flexible training offer to strenghten the digital skills of educational and career counsellors, which has been used by over 370 counsellors from over 14 countries in Europe and beyond 

I am already looking forward to the event and I am excited about the impulses 

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Thank you, Sonja, for highlighting the importance of developing AI skills frameworks in educational and career guidance.

The emphasis on upskilling counsellors to integrate AI in a practical, needs-based way is essential for reducing the digital gap and including marginalized groups in the digital transformation. Your project seems to be a sound step in this direction. Your impact is impressive and demonstrates how successful such projects can be.

We are looking forward to hearing more about your projects and its results.

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Rasmus Benke-Aberg
To, 25.04.2024 - 10:17

Hello everyone. Here is a very interesting report on the topic: AI report - Publications Office of the EU ( This report is about AI in education in general, not only about adult learning, but it includes adult learning. It looks into teachers' competencies, practical examples of AI use in education, ethical and legal considerations, and a lot more. 

The report is the result of an online working group ("squad") from another European platform: the European Digital Education Hub. Check it out if you are interested in AI in education.

And good luck with the event in May; I will not be able to attend, unfortunately.

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Dear Rasmus,

Thanks a lot for the link. You can always watch the recording of the discussion and read the comment in a second moment :)

All the best

Sara - EPALE Team

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Profile picture for user nskoroge.
Ti, 23.04.2024 - 12:09

Artificial intelligence tools can have a significant impact on communities, improving education systems, making learning more accessible, personalised and inclusive. To achieve this, however, it is essential that adult educators and teachers are competent in the ethical use of AI tools. 

For example, in my course "AI tools for meaningful learning and training", I give educators the opportunity to apply strategies to help them select different tools, critically assess their suitability and use them ethically at different stages of the learning process - in the creation, delivery and evaluation of training. This approach not only supports the learning of specific tools, but also helps teachers and trainers to acquire truly modern digital skills and to be able to apply them in a flexible way.  

In my course, I stress the importance of continuous professional development and active engagement with new tools and methods. I encourage teachers to remain versatile by constantly updating their toolbox with the latest technological tools and teaching methods. This approach, which I will emphasise throughout the training, involves constant reflection, frequent updating of teaching content and an open dialogue on the incorporation of new technologies. It ensures that educational methods remain up-to-date and relevant to the constantly evolving technological landscape. In turn, this not only contributes to the development of the individual, but also enriches the community, preparing an informed and competent population ready to face modern challenges. 

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Thank you, Georgi, for your comment and for sharing details about your course, Your focus is crucial.

Ensuring educators can critically assess and effectively use AI tools at all stages of the learning process is fundamental. As we have discussed with our experts, constant reflection and updating of methods is needed to enhance individual learning outcomes but also for preparing the community to face modern challenges.

Thank you for contributing to this discussion and for your contribution to advancing adult education through AI.

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