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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa



Er du interesseret i at samarbejde med andre fra hele Europa, men har du ikke nogen specifik idé endnu?

Tilføj din organisation

Tilføj din organisation til EPALE's partnersøgning for at forbedre din profil og lade andre vide, at du ønsker at blive inddraget i et fælleseuropæisk samarbejde.

Top tip: Tilføj så mange oplysninger som muligt om din organisation og den type aktiviteter, du er involveret i, så andre kan finde dig.

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Ved at registrere jeres organisation på EPALE, vil I selv være i stand til at oprette en partnersøgning.

Find den seneste information om hvordan EU promoverer politik for voksenuddannelse

Applied Filters

SwIdeas is a Swedish enterprise with a social mission that focuses on environmental and social sustainability.
Profile picture for user nabswide.
Abdallah Sobeih
The Funka Foundation is a not-for-profit research and training organisation with a mission to empower persons with disabilities. Its main activity is to carry out research projects and training on issues related to accessibility and inclusion.
Sara Kjellstrand
Yrkeshögskola, med unika övningsmöjligheter inom  järnvägsrelaterade yrken
Profile picture for user Torbjorn Tragardh.
Torbjörn Trägårdh
We are a small project management company in Adult education, and especiallt work place trainingprofessional project 
Profile picture for user n002w14r.
Tomas Stens
Internationella Kvinnoföreningen i Malmö (IKF) is a nonprofit organisation for women of all nationalities and backgrounds. We are independent of any political ideology and religion. We are actively promoting gender equality, diversity, integration, inclusion, cultural awarenes...
Profile picture for user irina_druta.
Irina Druta