Directorate General of Life Long Learning in Ministry of Education (DGLLL in MoNE) is a public body which is responsible for making policy, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the lifelong learning to disseminate in the country. The main activity of the DGLLL is to support the citizens who are not able to access in formal education, or who drop out the school or who graduated from the formal education in the field of common or vocational and technical training through non-formal education. DGLLL works with the coordination of MoNE. DGLLL consist of 1012 non-formal education institutions. Approximately over 30 Million people have been trained since 2008.
The Department of Social Partners and Projects coordinates national projects and international projects such as Erasmus+ and IPA, Implementation of Adult Learning Agenda and Project for Promoting Lifelong Learning - II on behalf of MoNE .The Turkish NSS, whose responsibility is to disseminate the electronic platform of adult learning in Europe (EPALE) in overall Turkey, is a body under the Department of Social Partners and Projects in the DGLLL in MoNE.
Work programme
The main priorities of EPLAE NSS for Turkey will relate to the promotion of EPLAE to the adult education, national community through promotional events, production of content to be added to EPALE and cooperation with CSS and other NSS to the overall development of EPALE.
The crucial target group will be all formal and non-formal adult education organizations teachers’ trainers, academics, and representatives of public authorities responsible for public and vocational education.
Main activities are built on face-to-face meetings, as well as attending other events in the adult education sector. The promotion of the platform will be provided by the Ambassadors for formal adult education and contact persons (Multiplier) for non-formal adult education
The Team
- Okan ACAR is the project manager and representative of the Turkish NSS. He is responsible for the daily management and coordination of EPALE-TR NSS. He also ensures a relationship with Erasmus+ Turkish National Agency, the National Coordinator for the Agenda for Adult Learning, and other critical stakeholders for adult learning.
- Gülçin YILMAZ is platform manager, she supports the multilingualism of the platform. She checks the EPALE CSS pages and contributes to the NSS page.
- Emine TÜRKYILMAZ is platform manager too, she supports the multilingualism of the platform. She also contributes meetings and workshops.
- Gamze Cennet ÜLKÜ is event and communication manager. She is responsible for NSS events and she communicates between academics and NSS.
- Nuri Özgür ÜNAL is a social media manager. He follows the social media accounts of NSSTR.
- Altay YILMAZ is helpdesk manager. He is responsible for NSSTR's official correspondences
- Ebru TURAN is an administrative assistant in Turkish NSS, and her contribution to the platform is to work directly with adult learning professionals and stakeholders to understanding their needs, identifying content and promoting EPALE on the ground as ambassadors.
- Melike UYSAL is the technical assistant in Turkish NSS. Her responsibilities are added contents that are performed by DGLLL, EPALE-TR NSS, and adult learning institutions.
All the members of the Turkish NSS are also responsible for preparing the activities under EPALE-TR NSS Project.
Adult Learning
Hıstory of Adult Learning in Turkey
In 1960s, under the authorization of Ministry of National Education, it was named as General Directorate of Public Education. Then it was renovated in 1977 and re-configured as the General Directorate of Non-Formal Education. In 1983, it was again renovated to cover the responsibility of career training and was named the General Directorate of Apprenticeship Training and Non-Formal education.
In addition to these, Anadolu University is the first institution which introduced Open and Distance Learning System serving the modern distance education in higher education in Turkey.In the field of adult education, both Ministry of National Education and Lifelong Learning Centers of higher education continue their education efforts to support the citizens of the country to adapt the age they are in, additionally, in that harmony, to make them feel adaptive, modern and happy. In the following table are the statistics on those who continue non-formal education between the years 2003-2009.
SVET (Strengthening The Vocational Education and Training System in Turkey) Life Long Learning Strategy Document was prepared in September 2006, to follow up the lifelong learning policy in Turkey.In the document, lifelong learning has been defined as the individuals's all learning activities,individual,social,whether relevant to their professions or not, in schools, universities, at home, at work anywhere in society, encompassing all the information and skills to improve the individual himself/herself .
Non-formal education 1
In our country non-formal education is realised by
. Public Education Centres and districts of Turkey PECs are the main providers of on-vocational non-formal education. PECs are able to provide free education services.
.Distance Education:The main provider of e-learning in Turkey is Anadolu University which has a well established Open Education system.
source:Country Report on Adult Education in Turkey1
In Turkey, adult education services are provided mainly by the Ministry of National Education, other related Ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Women and Family, Ministry of Industry and Trade and formal and semi-formal institutions, local administrations, universities, civil societies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
In very general terms, the following groups and organisations are responsible for providing adult education in Turkey: providers of state education (Universities, general and vocational training institutions, private education institutions, elementary and pre-schools), state institutions and organisations (ministries, institutions and legal high-committees, local authorities and the Turkish armed forces), the business world, (including trade unions and employers´organisations), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the media.