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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa

National Support Services - Luxembourg



    The National Support Structure of Luxembourg is the Department of Adult Education (DAE) which was established in 1991 within the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

    The DAE’s mission is threefold: It organises and coordinates second chance education, it provides the means and facilities to acquire basic skills and it organises non-formal general adult education. Second chance education is organised in high schools, basic skills training and general adult education are organised by representatives in municipalities or through associations accredited by the DAE.
    The DAE is also in charge of the implementation of the European Agenda of Adult Learning.

    The goal of the NSS Luxembourg is to establish EPALE as a source of information and exchange within the national community of Lifelong Learning.

    EPALE is mainly geared towards institutional stakeholders, social partners, NGOs, trainers, public and private institutions providing Lifelong Learning.

    Newsletters and targeted events in reference to the contents of the EPALE platform will be provided to underline the particular interest of the EPALE-users.

    The main goal is to gain regular visitors and more active users.

    The main subjects of the NSS are closely linked to the national Lifelong Learning strategy (S3L):

    • Give vulnerable groups of people (i.e. immigrants and refugees) access to education and adult learning.
    • Basic skills education
    • The quality and development within adult learning

    By publishing teaching material, best practise examples, reports and surveys as well as results of national and European projects, the NSS will contribute to the development of the contents of EPALE.

    The events and the published news will testify the political strategy and the development of lifelong learning in Luxembourg.

    The list of national actors encompasses: secondary schools, municipalities, government-regulated associations, professional chambers, sectoral institutes, private associations and organisations working in the domain of continuous learning and occupational reintegration of jobseekers.

    The Ministry of Education, ANEFORE (National ERASMUS+ Agency) and the INFPC (National Institute for the development of continuous vocational training, managing the platform will be involved in spreading the resources.

    These measures are expected to improve the visibility of expertise and excellence at a national and European level. This will lead to a better collaboration between politicians, stakeholders and training providers and thus increase the quality and quantity of the continuous training offers.

    Department of Adult Education:

    • Mr Erik GOERENS




    High participation rate

    According to two different surveys conducted by STATEC in 2012, “AES” (survey on adult education) and “CVTS” (survey on continuous training in companies), the participation rate of individuals living in Luxembourg and companies in further education and training is among the highest in Europe. These results are confirmed by the DAE’s statistics. In fact, more than 70% of adults between 25 and 64 years of age have taken part in either a formal, non-formal or informal education activity according to the AES. In comparison with other European countries, this number puts Luxembourg in second place right behind Sweden.

    The total number of registrations in courses organised by the DAE have increased from 17.192 in 2011/2012 to 21.361 in 2015/2016. This represents an increase of almost 25%. The National Language Institute and other training providers also confirm a significant increase in their number of registrations.

    Objectives and Programs

    Lifelong learning is more than just a right; it has become a genuine necessity in our fast moving society. Therefore, Luxembourg aims to make education and training accessible to every adult, no matter what age, level of education or professional status.

    Adult education and training schemes are designed to allow access to adequate training for every adult in order to receive a first diploma. Furthermore, it is set to improve and develop knowledge, to change one’s professional career, to adapt to technological changes or to simply enrich one’s personal knowledge.

    Adult education and training is geared towards:

    • People who didn’t finish school and would like to get a high school diploma (2nd chance education), a VET diploma (adult education) or a degree in higher education;
    • Illiterate adults wishing to improve their reading, writing and calculating skills;
    • Unemployed wishing to increase their chance of re-entering the workforce by way of general or vocational training;
    • People seeking to complete or adapt their skills in order to keep their employment, increase their employability, promote their careers or change their profession;
    • Migrants and refugees, for who language courses are an important factor of integration;
    • All adults who wish, for professional or personal reasons, to further their language skills or to enrich their knowledge of social, economic or cultural skills.

     Due to the specific language situation in Luxembourg, language courses make up a major part of adult education in Luxembourg.

    Promoting access to adult learning

    A whole series of measures were introduced to make access to adult education and training easier. In 1999 a public co-financing system for in-company training was established. In 2012, the co-financing rate was raised from 14.5% to 20% and to 35% of the salary costs for employees above the age of 45 and for non-qualified employees. Different types of training leaves were introduced, of which the ‘individual training leave’ was established in 2008 and is the most important.

    The national Lifelong Learning Strategy

    Lifelong learning is a key concept of Europe 2020 and is a basis for personal fulfilment, social integration and professional development. In order to create a coherent national framework for lifelong learning, Luxembourg set up a national strategy which was adopted by the Government Council on 23rd November 2012.

    The national Lifelong Learning Strategy (S3L) is based on 6 transversal principles:


    • 1st principle:

    Develop and promote learning pathways adapted to the various stages of the learner’s life

    • 2nd principle:

    Place the learner at the centre of the learning while promoting environments conducive to learning.

    • 3rd principle:

    Support the learner in his/her educational and career choices through coordinated and professional guidance.

    • 4th principle

    Establish a transparent and permeable certification system which includes transferable learning units

    • 5th principle

    Systematically develop the quality of LLL

    • 6th principle

    Encourage participation in LLL by developing measures to facilitate access for all and by raising the individual’s awareness of his rights to training throughout life.


    Since 2012, after the publication of the national Lifelong Learning Strategy, the Ministry in cooperation with the stakeholders in the field of adult education and training, set up a range of measures to increase the quality of training offers and to make these available to all citizens.

    Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
    29, rue Aldringen
    L-2926 Luxembourg

    Ministry of Higher Education and Research
    18 - 20 Montée de la Pétrusse
    L-2327 Luxembourg

    ANEFORE - National ERASMUS+ Agency
    Edupôle Walferdange
    Building 03 – 1st floor
    Route de Diekirch
    L-7220 Walferdange

    INFPC – National Institute for the development of continuous vocational training, managing body of (

    Immeuble Cubus C2
    2, rue Peternelchen
    L-2370 Howald

    INL - National Institute of Languages
    21, boulevard de la foire
    L-1528 Luxembourg