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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


Get ready for the next online discussion on Developing skills for a healthy life in the COVID era!

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EPALE Editor
Get ready for the next online discussion on Developing skills for a healthy life in the COVID era!.

As a consequence of COVID-19, health, financial literacy and resilience have all become significant themes in the discussion of how adult learning should reflect on our current challenges and prepare learners to become more resilient to disruptive change. Health literacy plays a significant role in equipping citizens with the necessary skills to make sense of health-related information and to be able to make informed decisions.

We invite you to EPALE’s upcoming discussion that addresses health literacy from general and practical perspectives in adult learning. Share your views and experiences on how adult learning programs should address health literacy in the times of pandemics. The discussion will take place on Thursday 20 May 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. CEST.

The written discussion will be introduced by a livestream with invited experts from the European Basic Skills Network and EuroHealthNet presenting international initiatives in the fields of health literacy aiming to overcome health inequalities of citizens.
The written discussion and the livestream will be moderated by Graciela Sbertoli, Secretary-General of EBSN and Tamás Harangozó, Editor at EBSN.

Save the date and join us to share your views with regards to initiatives on health literacy!

Comments will be open starting from 6 May so you can start sharing your thoughts and suggestions.

 Click to join the discussion!

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