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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


EPALE Survey Results and Analysis – Executive Summary

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This document summarises the results of an online survey conducted by DG Education and Culture and the EPALE Central Support Service (CSS) during the period 15 April - 18 May 2014.

The survey was designed to provide a clearer picture of the expectations of potential EPALE users : Europe’s adult learning professionals. It sought to gauge hopes, expectations and preferences that can feed into some guiding principles for the development of the website and community.

It should, however, be noted that the survey results are by no means a definitive indicator of user preferences. Those preferences can only be confirmed once users begin to interact with the platform, hence the importance of complementing the survey results by building, measuring and learning from EPALE users.

Resource Details
Autor resursa
EPALE CSS Team, DG Education and Culture
Vrsta resursa
Studije i izvještaji
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