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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи

Partnership Details

English language school looking for KA2 project partners

United Kingdom.
Profile picture for user Kelsea Mucherino.
Kelsea Mucherino
| Posted on Fri, 01/17/2020 - 15:34

We are a British Council and ISI accredited language school with years of experience in KA1 and KA2 projects. We have a number of projects we are planning to submit for the March 2020 deadline which are mainly involved in language learning and adult education. We are currently looking for partners for the following projects we are developing, whose short descriptions you can find below: 

  • Languages Without Paper: This project aims to create an administrative platform for language schools that would save time and paper by digitalizing administrative tasks that normally rely on paper. 
  • Continuing Professional Development for EFL Teachers: This would be a professional development platform for teachers who teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to improve their pedagogical practices in a more convenient and non-time-consuming way than traditional CPD sessions.
  • Formulaic Language for Improving Communicative Competence: This would be a website/app where people who want to learn a foreign language can access authentic sources (like clips of popular TV series) in order to learn an up-and-coming aspect of language teaching, formulaic language. It would also include an OER for teachers to find lesson plans that incorporate formulaic language. 
  • Uni 4 All: The idea is to create an e-learning platform for foreign students who need guidance on applying to university in the UK. It would provide content such as writing personal statements, attending interviews, and engaging in critical thinking. 
  • Safeguarding Quality Charter in European Mobility: The project is aimed towards highlighting and scaling up best practices within the framework of the Erasmus+ VET mobility charter. Our project focuses on creating and maintaining safe and secure mobility programmes for young students travelling abroad to undertake a period of study or work placement.
  • Business Skills / Employability: This project aims to develop an e-learning platform for a  Business English Skills course for young unemployed adults to include the big three competencies: presentations, negotiations, and meetings. 
  • ICARE: This project aims to develop a short Intercultural training e-course for language teachers plus the creation of an online hub where teachers can access teaching resources and find ideas for incorporating intercultural awareness training into their classes and curriculum.

We are looking for the following types of partners in particular: 

  • Those with experience in any similar projects 
  • Educational instiutions (particularly universities and language schools
  • Youth mobility experts 
  • Intercultural relations experts 

Interested partners can contact us at: 

Please include your PIF, which project you are interested in, and how your organisation is relevant to your chosen project. 

Partnership Details
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I am looking for…
Adult education provider
Media organisation specialised in adult education
Other organisations who feel they could give valuable input to our projects
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