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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи

Organisation Details

IDRISI Cultura e Sviluppo


IDRISI CULTURA E SVILUPPO is a no-profit organisation borne out of founding members decades-old experience in vocational education and training, strategic consultancy, arts and culture. IDRISI aims to strengthen the links between culture and education, social affairs, democracy, urban policy, research and innovation, healthcare and well-being. It wishes to foster actions promoting the acquisition of life-long competences, skills, as well as intercultural, and interfaith dialogue, via the interaction of the education, culture and art sectors.  

IDRISI CULTURA E SVILUPPO is a partner and promoter of EU, national, and regional level initiatives:

- At EU level, a project in response to Creative Europe Call 39/2019 aims to analyse a new paradigm in view of transfering creative industries models and professional styles to Western Balkan countries currently in the pre-accession phase.

- National initiative Povertà Sanitaria e Dipendenze al Sud is supported by Fondazione con il Sud and run in collaboration with primary education institutions with the aim of experimenting an alternative method to counter new addictions (pathologic hazard, compulsive shopping, Internet, social network, games addiction).

- Regional Initiative on language sharing between business and training sector operators is based on a combination of questionnaires quality interviews, and documents analysis  (client: IDI Informatica APL, Palermo).

- A Master's degree on European project management is currently being designed in order to facilitate the acquisition of the skills set necessary to run EU-funded projects.

Organisation Details
Област активности / интересовања
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Adult education provider

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