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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи

Volunteering in adult learning

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Dear EPALE colleagues,


Our thematic focus for December was on the role of volunteering in adult learning. During this time, EPALE’s national teams and the community published a number of inspiring case studies, articles, reports and other resources.

View a summary of our December focus, prepared by Thematic Coordinator Andrew McCoshan (EN).


Blog posts

The use of volunteers in migrant language education (EN)

David Mallows reflected on the role of volunteers in migrant language education and reviewed the VIME project as a good practice example.

Adult learning as panacea for social problems: professional roles and volunteering (EN, BG)

Simon Broek shared his thoughts on the importance of volunteers in adult learning but also urged the community not to forget a very important element about their role.

Roles and benefits of volunteering: what can we learn from the UK? (EN)

Andrew McCoshan shared some useful insights from volunteering practices in the UK.

Volunteering in adult learning across Europe: different contexts, shared challenges

Aleksandra Kozyra from the EAEA drew some comparisons between volunteering practices in adult learning in Finland, Belgium and Greece.


News from around Europe


December was a busy month in the adult learning sector across Europe:

EPALE’s team wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year!