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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи

Partnership Details


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Bruno Sales da Silva
| Posted on Thu, 11/30/2017 - 16:36

Should you aim at generating strategic consortia with a valuable partner for EU funded initiatives, motivated by Education and Training, Employment and Youth Development, expert in EU competences frameworks (EQF, EUROPASS, ECVET), key proposal writers in 7 approved projects (2016, 2017), and fluent in 7 languages, kindly contact us at

İstanbul Avrupa Araştırmaları Derneği (IAAD), was established in the city of Istanbul in September 2015, under the form of not for profit Civil Society Organisation. IAAD main activities are organised in two specific spheres: a) societal challenges; b) innovation and technology.

Societal challenges – IAAD promotes education and training initiatives supported by Non-Formal and Informal Learning (NFIL), by ECVET-based Apprenticeships and Learning Mobilities. IADD also activates participative dialogue between communities and policy-makers, develops Culture, Arts and Heritage initiatives (dance and theatre plays, festivals, media events), Sports and leisure activities, Community Cooperatives development, Social Entrepreneurship and encourages a variety of grass-root initiatives aiming at fostering pluralism, non -discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men, globally equity and inclusion.

Innovation and technology (ICT) – IAAD fosters the development and implementation of a variety of conceptual approaches such as Circular Economy and Bio Economy, involving renewable energies, Environment conservation and protection, sustainable development programmes, agriculture and natural resources conservation. ICT conceptual and pedagogical approaches, and tools, are key features in all IAAD’s initiatives, involving basic tools such as the Internet (Moodle, YouTube, Skype, Google Tools, Mobile Applications), and the internet of Things (connected object). IAAD’s ICT programmes includes: a) learning activities; b) effective work placements, apprenticeship and internships; c) structured networking with the world of work and policy-makers; d) observatory of best practices on sustainable development policies oriented to labour market demand; e) transfer of innovation with exchange of good practices; f) policies recommendations; g) diffusion at the broadest EU level of effective best practices, case studies and strategies validated. IAAD plan and implement an average of 14 activities per year.

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Research organisation or a think-tank
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Adult education provider
Media organisation specialised in adult education
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