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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи




Profile picture for user Gert Hurkmans.
Gert Hurkmans
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

A participant from Asturia vzw has been involved in the second scheduled event of the European project "Strengthening European identity in times of crisis" approved by the European Commission within the CERV 2021-2027 programme (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values).

A total of 30 representatives coming from local authorities and civil society associations from 16 countries discussed topics such as women empowerment, animal rights, the future of the EU as well as the importante of European institutions. The programme of activities included conferences, round tables and experience panels with the participation of both local experts and representatives from partner countries.

During the activity, a publication was edited bringing together the best practices in the field of women's empowerment and equality in the participating countries.

The project, approved by the Commission will help to promote active participation at local and European level with a view to outlining lines that reinforce European identity through intercultural dialogue.

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Ana Anakijev | EPALE Srbija

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Profile picture for user Ivana Ćuk.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

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Profile picture for user ana.anakijev.
Ana Anakijev | EPALE Srbija

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