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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи



Bachelor of Social Science - Community Drugs and Alcohol Pathway and Progression Route

Profile picture for user EPALE Ireland.
EPALE Ireland

Applications are now open for the Bachelor of Social Science - Community Drugs and Alcohol Pathway and Progression Route.

This pathway to the award of the University College Dublin NFQ Level 8 BSocSc degree is only available to students who have completed the University Diploma in Community Drugs and Alcohol Support.

This is a unique progression pathway designed to offer students who may have found difficulty accessing higher education through traditional routes the opportunity to complete a Bachelors degree with considerable cachet amongst potential employers, both in Ireland and internationally. The Social Policy major component of this pathway also fulfils one of the important criteria for entry into the MSocSc Social Work. Students enter directly into Stage 2 of the BSocSc programme and, if all modules are passed, complete it in 2 years. This progression pathway is unique to the School and University College Dublin.

For details on admission requirements and procedure, please see the link.

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Ana Anakijev | EPALE Srbija

Kако да унапредимо подршку и садржаје на платформи

Profile picture for user Ivana Ćuk.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Oткривање вештина које проистичу из бављења хобијем

У години проглашеној за Европску годину вештина, свакако је занимљиво позабавити се вештинама које проистичу из бављења хобијем.

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Ana Anakijev | EPALE Srbija

Истицање важности основних вештина у Европској години вештина

Неопходна су улагања у развој основних вештина да бисмо исупнили циљеве ЕУ године вештина.


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