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Sustainability and adult learning: moving beyond green skills?

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EPALE Editor

Join us as we reflect on green skills as a way to tackle complex interconnected issues like climate change and environmental challenges.

On Tuesday 19 March 2024, from 10 am to 4 pm CET, EPALE will be hosting an online discussion on Sustainability and adult learning with a view to the EU's efforts to promote the green transition in the education sector.

We will kick off at 10 am CET, with a live-streamed exchange between experts and will continue the conversation with EPALE users in a written discussion in the comments section until 4 pm CET. 

The live stream session will feature Barbara Archesso, member of the EU Working Group on Learning for Sustainability, and Katharina Wiese, Policy Manager for Economic Transition and Gender Equality at the European Environmental Bureau, moderated by Andrea Lapegna, Deputy Director of the Lifelong Learning Platform

Watch the streaming here!

This event is a unique opportunity to be part of a broader discussion on broadening the angle that green skills provide and addressing the needs of the adult population in Europe to make the Green Transition effective. Whether you're an educator, a policy maker, or simply interested in adult learning and green skills, this discussion promises to offer valuable insights and collaborative opportunities. 

We will address the following questions:

  • How can we step up the Green Transition? What role for adult learning in fostering green skills?
  • What's t he role of the key competences for lifelong learning in this scenario?
  • What is the connection between green skills, competences and attitudes and active citizenship?

We warmly invite you to share your experience and initiatives.

Comments are already open, so you can start sharing your thoughts, experiences and suggestions!

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Ned, 03/31/2024 - 15:19

The transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of life has emerged as a global imperative in light of escalating challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation. Within this context, initiatives such as the iMPACT project ("I share my knowledge and have an active iMPACT on my community") play a crucial role in mobilizing communities to take tangible actions and create positive impacts. 

This initiative, conceived by mothers for mothers, aims to assist women in building a healthier and more sustainable relationship with the environment while inspiring them to become agents of change by encouraging their families and communities to embrace more environmentally friendly behaviors. 

This project revolves around capacity building and activism to empower mothers and help them discover their voice and power in the struggle for a more sustainable future. 

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Profile picture for user ildiko.hanuliakova.
Ildikó Hanuliaková
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Pet, 03/22/2024 - 14:59

Building a positive attitude towards the environment is currently one of the most important priorities. Environmental skills and competences are needed for all citizens, including disadvantaged groups facing mental disabilities. Working with people with mental disabilities requires specific care in the provision of education, taking into account their individual needs and circumstances, so that everyone can realize their potential in different areas of life. 

The main objective of the ERASMUS+ project “Innovative building of ecological awareness and culture by developing environmental skills and shaping the attitudes of people with mental disabilities” was to facilitate social inclusion of people living with mental disability by developing their ecological skills and competences, by shaping their ecological attitudes and environmental awareness, by education based on international experiences. The project lays a great emphasis on the promotion and development of international cooperation between participating organisations, the establishment and strengthening of partnership networks and the enhancement of the professionalism of the organisations.

The main result of the project is ECO-COMPASS, an innovative environmental education aimed at developing environmental awareness, skills, competences, attitudes and responsible behaviour of people with mental disabilities.

The curriculum consists of four modules:

Module 1 - Ecological skills and competences in individual life

Module 2 - The importance of ecological values and attitudes in the family           

Module 3 - Sustainable development in the workplace and work-life balance       

Module 4 - Active participation in the creation of a green society


More information can be found on the project website:

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Profile picture for user imuraskovska.
Ingrida Muraskovska
Sre, 03/20/2024 - 21:07

I think we need to be able to specify which green skills are useful for which purpose. For example, sorting waste - these are basic skills that everyone should use in their household. At the next level, adults should develop a broader picture of green skills that allow them to consciously change their lifestyles. We should understand which green skills should be developed in professions - builder, salesman, arborist... This would allow us to create a plan to gradually move towards developing green skills.

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Anna Petrou
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 18:42

A word of praise to the speakers' discussion and participants' comments. 
Green Skills remain the way for a sustainable future for humanity, and what seems to lie beyond that is our realization of the urgency the global multifaceted crisis creates and the efficiency we show when it comes to compensating with economic, social and environmental issues, depending on our context.
Input, Methods, Techniques, Tools and Technology exist for current problem-solving and, where the socio-politics, socio-economics and level of education of a country allow, these are often immediately accessible to people of low or basic resources, who want to pursue continuous professional development.
As new challenges quickly come to shake local prosperity, the right people to consist the new workforce reality need to be chosen for re-skilling. These people must show perseverance and demonstrate flexibility in different (but often inter-connected) working areas. Their positive results can become a model for other communities or societies, that face similar issues. This 'sharing is caring' attitude can be transferred a lot faster via popular platforms, such as Facebook (FB), or even Instagram.
Here is a couple of short 'stories' for you to read (these I found on the FB page of the  Ministry of Agriculture of my country.) Firstly, try to locate the problem and seek for the 'actors.' Then, think whether similar compensatory measures can apply to your own context, on a similar occasion.  Finally, take a guess about the possible results, in relation to people's prosperity.

Original posts in Greek. Translated in English via web-based translation service:
A. The Ministry implements targeted measures to prevent and deal with fires and other extreme weather events through:
-  Reopening the Forestry College
- [Welcoming] a proposal by the Ministry of Interior for the utilization, training and insurance of volunteers
- Gradual transfer of the Aerial Forest Firefighting Equipment Unit to the National Guard
B. Today, we honour the entrepreneurial spirit of women, who form the backbone of our countryside, who strengthen local communities, create economic opportunities and promote local production and consumption. On the occasion of International Women's Day, we announce [these] measures to encourage female entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, through the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023-2027:
-Intensification of collaborations for workshops on female entrepreneurship, in rural areas.
-Inclusion of investments in cottage industry, as eligible actions under the processing measure.
-Creation of a specific theme for the development of women's cooperatives and enterprises in rural areas, as far as training and education of producers is concerned. 
Gender equality is not a women's issue, but a human issue and a fundamental democratic right, in the context of our common (regardless of gender) path towards a sustainable future for our country.
As a final thought, we are the key for a better future and we owe to cultivate a green mindset, and at the same time develop and share the life skills necessary with more people, especially those who need a trade to help themselves into becoming useful members of their local community, and break free from vulnerability and a state of helplessness. 
-Thank you kindly for reading this to the end.-
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Tor, 03/19/2024 - 18:34

Sustainability is really very important in education,but at the same time it is so wide concept , that it is important to understand it in different aspects and also the use of this concept in theory and practice.

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Elga Drelinga
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 14:50

It is difficult for adults to change their stereotypes, so successful learning usually occurs in groups with people of different ages. Children and grandchildren, with their example and enthusiasm, can convince us that sustainability must start with everyone.

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Maria Concetta Catalano
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 11:09

A lot needs to be done for nutrition! A serious media bombardment is needed to trigger an awakening in everyone. But how to do it?

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Profile picture for user lllplatform.
Lifelong Learning Platform
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 13:10

In reply to by Maria Concetta Catalano

It is true that what is needed is a true cultural shift, which certainly cannot be wholly a responsibility of the education sector(s). But we can start by teaching our children to make sustainable food choice whenever possible, critically questions what is being fed to us (literally and metaphorically), and also engage all actors that should have a role in this cultural revolution!

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Profile picture for user ShamrockSpring.
Deirdre Lane
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 11:02

@Andrea Lapegna led a dynamic open discussion on ways Education can lead in the green economy 

A Window to engage more voices in green ideation and fun changes is the annual Earth Hour.

One Hour 

Your Power

Ideas for all in formal and informal settings

Earth Hour for Youth | Earth Hour

For Schools to calculate their carbon footprints with free insights from WWF one to log into

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Hi Deirdre, many thanks for sharing this useful idea! We'll make sure to keep the next discussions on our radar

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Profile picture for user njendema.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 10:51

At my institution we are trying to support the local authorities and explain what adult learning is and how it could be helpful for the local communities. We are also exploring the concept of UNESCO Learning Cities and their contribution to sustainability. I wonder if somebody could help us find a good example of activities or initiatives that local governments did in this area (ESD) with the focus on adults, ie non-formal education for adults. (normally one finds many examples from the formal education). Thank you!

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Hi Marta, the UNESCO Learning Cities is a woderful initiative and it is delivering outstanding impact and amazing success stories. At LLLP we were involved to a great extent, we can only recommend it - maybe as a starting point. 

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Profile picture for user Tanja Logar.
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 10:46

In Slovenia, we have just completed a project entitled "Climate Goals and Content in Education and Training".
The purpose of the project is to support the systematic integration of climate goals and content into preschool education, primary and secondary education, higher vocational education, and adult education.

Specific objectives of the project for vocational and professional education:

  • Preparation, testing, and evaluation of a comprehensive awareness-raising program, as well as education on climate change within the context of education for sustainable development in the field of vocational and professional education.
  • Development of a proposal for the implementation plan of the program in vocational and professional education, establishing a systemic approach to education and awareness-raising on climate change, and fostering competencies for transitioning to a low-carbon society.
  • Establishment of three demonstration schools in the field of vocational or professional education.

In the coming days, we will publish materials created in the project in the online library. The materials are in Slovenian, but you can use online translators for assistance.

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Attitude and values in  family are really the basis for the development of the child in his/her life. The environment in the  family is really a key for the development of the ""green attitude "" and skills.

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Kadri Kalle
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 10:28

I'm involved in teaching green skills and trainer training and one of my biggest surprise has been that majority of teachers/trainers don't take into account the latest science in educational psychology - meaning majority of teachers teach in a way that doesn't actually support the way human brain learns, so in ineffective ways. How to overcome this?

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To teach green skills in alignment with the latest educational psychology findings, we can adopt a few specific strategies: professional development workshops (regular workshops that introduce educators to the latest research on learning and cognition can help bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and modern educational psychology), peer-to-peer learning platforms (creating online forums or regular meetups where educators can exchange teaching strategies that are rooted in cognitive science. This encourages collaboration and continuous learning), hands-on training (icorporating more experiential learning opportunities that relate directly to environmental issues, this method aligns with how the brain learns by doing and solving real-world problems), microlearning (breaking down complex green skills into smaller, manageable tasks can make learning more effective, this approach caters to the brain's capacity for processing limited information at a time), feedback systems (implementing robust feedback mechanisms where educators can learn from student interactions and adjust teaching methods accordingly, this can be achieved through regular assessments and reflective practices). What do You think?

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Hi Kadri, we hope we were able to address your question in the live discussion, but teaching methdologies and their further professional development are indeed key factors. 

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I agree, Kadri, with you,but do we educate our teachers,especially adult educators to keep in mind educational psychology ? Have we included this  ""hot"" aspect in our regular training programmes? 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 10:05

Hi everyone!

The streamed discussion with experts has just started. Do not hesitate to post your comments and questions here!

Sara - EPALE Moderator

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Profile picture for user nromelin.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Pon, 03/18/2024 - 14:23

We all know that the basics of knowledge must be laid in early childhood and then they give the greatest return. It's the same with green skills. If we invest resources and knowledge about the importance of green skills at an early age, we can reap the rewards at later stages.

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In the Czech Republic, we are also engaged in green consulting. I mean sustainable career counselling. According to more than 67 % of young people, we will live in a worse world. Only 11 % of respondents to the Czech Climate 2021 survey are optimistic about the future. The system of counselling services, including career counselling, should respond to this situation.

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Profile picture for user JaninaG.
Jana Galová
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Ambassador badge.
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 14:34

In reply to by Jana Galová

Some of the research findings:
Nearly 70% of respondents in the current survey said they were close to the ideas of nature conservation and environmental protection.
Young Czech men and women consider themselves to be environmentalists first (57%). 
A large majority of respondents do not like the way of life of the current society - 52% in total. They are pessimistic about the future. More than 67% of respondents think we will live in a worse world.
More than four-fifths of respondents are aware that climate change is already happening in real terms. More than 70% strongly or rather agree that anthropogenic influences are the main cause of climate change.
Young people are particularly powerless. But also fear, sadness or anger. About one in ten of them say they experience these emotions 'extremely'.

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Bianca Stein-Steffan
Pon, 03/11/2024 - 12:46

Ubglücklicherweis habe ich zeitgleich mit dem Fortbildungsangebot eine andere Tagung.

Wir die Fortbildung aufgenommen? Kann ich sie im Nachgang anschauen?

Die Diskussion interessiert mich sehr!

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Tor, 03/19/2024 - 08:22

In reply to by Bianca Stein-Steffan

Dear Bianca,

Thanks for your question. The streamed video will remain available on this page, as well as the comments in the written discussion.

So, feel free to come back whenever you want and can :)

All the best

Sara - EPALE Moderator

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Alfredo Soeiro
Pon, 03/11/2024 - 09:04

Education and training for active adults is fundamental to achieve a sustainable future in the near future: use Greencomp framework to assess existing competences and acquire new competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes).

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Veronica Polese
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Tor, 03/05/2024 - 20:15

Adult education can do so much thanks to its accompaning those that are less accustomed or less informed to a cultural change, towards a more sustainable model.

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Profile picture for user ASIMINA PAPADOPOULOU.
Sob, 03/02/2024 - 10:33

Making some time for myself means I respect my existance as person. I am not a role any for as long as it lasts this. Adult learning is a matter of environment I suppose. Talking about environment means talking about humans, even though there is no enough respect to each other. The theme is a common interest with no referees needed. Why not make this investment a serious matter. 

Have a nice rest of the day.

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Profile picture for user Andrijana Pavićević.
Andrijana Pavićević
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Pet, 03/01/2024 - 00:48


The reaction of each individual to the violation of "green things" may awaken in us the need to acquire new competences in order to protect them.

"A new growth strategy aiming to transform the EU into a fair and wealthy society, with a modern and competitive economy that uses resources efficiently, with net greenhouse gas emissions flat by 2050, and economic growth that is decoupled from resource exploitation. The commission also promises that sustainability will be taken into account when adopting all future public policies, along with the green oath - do no evil".

Active citizenship means getting involved in the life of your community and nation so that you can help determine the country's future.

From the text above we see that the connection between green skills, competencies and attitudes and active citizenship are very strong. 

In the process of lifelong learning, the student develops certain competencies, it is important to define: 

* what knowledge does he need (topics, areas, contents, outcomes), 

* what attitudes are related to the content, knowledge and cross-curricular competences, 

* necessary competences, methods, didactic means and procedures for applying knowledge, 

* the value of the achievement, how the achievement of the skill will be assessed, 

* which teaching media are needed for such a process (materials and resources),...


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I also see a strong connection here, between these two groups of skills. For me, one way is this: as a person feeling responsible for the planet, I do whatever I can, in my private life. But it is clearly not enough - we need to get together and push bigger players, including the local governments and national governments, and here we definitely need civic skills and become active citizens...Our contribution to this is online modules on green and civic skills that are housed on platform They were created with the support of Erasmus+ project Learning Forward 21.

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Green transformation is a challenge that requires linking education with values and active citizenship. Andrijana's comment shows how green skills and competencies are not only about technical knowledge, but also about attitudes and community participation. It is important that the education process integrates practical application of acquired skills in the real world, fosters innovation in education, and improves access to educational resources. Collaboration between different actors in society and the involvement of individuals as active participants in the journey towards sustainability is key. Successfully integrating these elements into educational frameworks opens up new avenues for building a more sustainable and inclusive future.

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Profile picture for user EuropeaPl.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Pon, 02/26/2024 - 17:54

Promowanie zrównoważonego podejścia do żywienia i żywności wśród dorosłych staje się coraz ważniejszym wyzwaniem w kontekście globalnych problemów ekologicznych i zdrowotnych. Dorośli potrzebują jasnych informacji na temat wpływu swoich wyborów żywieniowych na środowisko, zdrowie i społeczeństwo. Dlatego w partnerstwo projektu „Sustainable food for green minds” Nr 2021 - 1 - PL01 - KA220 - ADU – 000025957 podjęło się organizacji warsztatów, prezentacji i upowszechniało E-book by skutecznie zwiększyć świadomość społeczną.

W edukacji dorosłych bardzo ważne są praktyczne doświadczenia, jak na przykład degustacje zrównoważonych posiłków, wspólne gotowanie czy wizyty na lokalnych farmach co łączy teorię z praktyką.

Na pewno efektem naszego projektu pozostanie wsparcie lokalnych rynków i rolników. Zrównoważone żywienie oznacza  produkty sezonowe, lokalne i ekologiczne i przyczynia się do zmniejszenia śladu ekologicznego.

Co nas usatysfakcjonowało może najbardziej? Udało nam się stworzyć społeczności ludzi zainteresowanych zrównoważonym jedzeniem, umożliwiając im wymianę doświadczeń i inspirując do dalszych poszukiwań. 

Podsumowując: edukacja dorosłych o zrównoważonym podejściu w żywieniu to zarówno przekaz pewnych informacji, ale w można to czynić efektywnie tylko w atmosferze świadomej i zaangażowanej społeczności.

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I completely agree that adult education should have sustainability values. Healthy eating habits, skills, and the ability to prepare healthy meals are very important for both learners and local entrepreneurs, and farmers.

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