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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe



Máte záujem o spoluprácu s kolegami z celej Európy, ale nemáte ešte konkrétny nápad?

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Dobrá rada: Uveďte čo najviac informácií o vašej organizácii a o type činností, do ktorých sa zapájate, a uľahčite tak vašim budúcim partnerom hľadanie.

Applied Filters

AONTAS is the National Adult Learning Organisation in Ireland. Founded in 1969, AONTAS is an independent non-governmental organisation with strong relationships with key public, private, and notfor-profit stakeholders across the education sector. Through research and advocacy...
Profile picture for user n00fj418.
Ruby Cooney
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Giresun Provincial Directorate of National Education serves as the public institution responsible for education and training activities at the local level. The institution includes schools, adult education and vocational training institutions. In the field of adult education, ...
Profile picture for user musti28.
Mustafa Kirhasanoglu