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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Event Details

16 jan

Blended Learning Practice

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Profile picture for user ozarslan.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions to go online and develop more resilient approaches to offer quality education. COL’s Technology-Enabled Learning initiative provides guidance and support on systematic ways to build policy, technologies, and capacities of educational institutions in the Commonwealth. Training on blended learning is one of these strategies.

Built on COL’s Guide to Blended Learning, the MOOC provides opportunities for participants to engage in reflective practice and develop an authentic learning environment in their own context. The discussions and associated activities in the course include review of pedagogy, materials, and the use of technology.


The intermediate-level Blended Learning Practice massive open online course (MOOC) is an introduction to blending technology and distance education teaching strategies with traditional, in-person classroom activities. This free, 4-week course provided by the Commonwealth of Learning in partnership with Athabasca University is open to teachers and other educational professionals considering implementing blended learning practice into their own classrooms or programs.

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Peter Maľa

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Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

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Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

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