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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Partnership Details

Searching for partner for KA204

Založil/a | Vložené So, 03/09/2019 - 10:11

We are searching for partner for KA204. Project is about KEY competentencies with highlight on IT competencies. We are searching for the partners Associations or adult learning institutions that have experience in field of IT and which can share experience and good practice


About us:

POU “Procesor" is an adult learning institution that has units in some of disadvantaged areas in Croatia according to National policies. The organisation aims to gather technological expertise in the field of digital multimedia from advanced EU economies and culture and to transfer it and localize to counties where industrial and economic transition is still at least partially in progress. Such economies affected also with the global downturn are now struggling to find new competitiveness and employment for their older workforce endangered of social exclusion if not reemployed.  Our school has 10 teachers and 100 students. Age of our learners are from 15-65. Constantly we want to develop new programs in field of ICT and we want to involve students, unemployed persons, vulnerable groups in our programs. Our goal is to promote Long-life Learning education for everyone



Partnership Details
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Organizácia špecializujúca sa na vzdelávanie alebo kariérové poradenstvo
Poskytovateľ vzdelávania dospelých

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