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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa

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Manual for the Digitalisation of the VET Sector

Profile picture for user Demos.
Demos Michael

Digital Transformation is a key priority across all major EU directives and policies. The European Commission has prioritized digital skills development and recognized education and training stakeholders as key players in making innovations mainstream to meet the education sector’s needs (EC, 2018). Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an integral part of education providing lifelong learning systems equipping individuals with skills responding to the needs of the economy but also with skills important for personal development and active citizenship. Thus, the European Commission emphasizes the need for VET to become more fit for the digital age and align with the technological progress and market demands as it has a crucial role in helping people to find jobs, especially after the pandemic.

The present Toolkit is a practical guide that can be used by VET providers/trainers as supplementary material to advance their professional practices towards digitalisation. In particular, it provides knowledge and understanding of digitalisation in the VET sector, the importance of vital digital skills for educators and learners, and how to develop a digitalisation strategy.

This Toolkit aims to build the capacity of VET professionals to design and develop a digital action plan. Also, is contains strategies that aim to enhance educators’ digital skills and learners’ digital literacy. Another aim of this Toolkit is to allow VET providers and learners’ to reflect on their digital readiness and improve their digital skills in order to align with the technological progress and market’s needs.

The GROOVE Toolkit is organized into 6 main sections:

Section A: Digitalisation in the VET sector

Section B: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.1)

Section C: The Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu)

Section D: The European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organizations (DigCompOrg)

Section E: Strategy development

Section F: Teaching Pedagogies and Instructional Strategies

Resource Details
Autor do recurso
GROOVE project consortium
Tipo de recurso
Recursos de ensino aberto
Data de publicação
Língua do documento
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